Chapter 50. Tickets to Key West

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Place - living room
People - you Sam colby
Time - 10:32am

You Sam and Colby are sitting on the couch waiting for kat to wake up. Your all on your phones and your laying on Colby.

C: woah guys
S: what's up?
Y: hm?
C: there's this place in Key West that we should totally go to
Y: Key West is beautiful
S: it's really is, but what is it?
C: it's 2 places, connected to one source. Ya know?
S: yeah, info?
C: ok so basically there's this doll named Robert and he's supposed to be the most haunted doll in the world
S: sick!
Y: what does it say on the website?
C: lemme read it. It says "The story of Robert the Doll dates back to the early 1900's when a young boy named Eugene Robert Otto was given a one-of-a-kind handmade doll by a servant that worked for his parents in his home."
S: that sounds interesting

You and Colby sits up and he continues reading.

C: The home where Eugene lived, now called the Artist's House, is located at 534 Eaton Street and was built between 1890 and 1898. So it's an old house too! Cool
Y: I love old houses for some reason.
S: same here
C: ok let me read through and look for some spicy info. Uhhh here! While he seemed like an ordinary cloth doll, it wasn't long before Robert was involved in strange and somewhat terrifying events.
S: that's.. creepy.
Y: agreed.

You both laugh and Colby keeps reading.

C:The first hint that something out of the ordinary was happening was one night when Gene, who was only ten years old, awoke to find Robert the Doll sitting at the end of his bed staring at him. Moments later his mother was awakened by his screams for help and the sounds of furniture being overturned in her son's bedroom.
S: I'd love to see that in the middle of the night oh my god
Y: for real! Just causally waking up to seeing that.
C: this looks interesting! Wanna resent it for the night?
S: sure! Kat hates dolls, so that's most likely a no for her. I'll still ask her later tho. You can get the tickets tho!
C: bet, should we invite someone?
Y: yes! To make it fun. Umm Nate?
S: sure!
C: ok I'll go call them.

Colby walks out of the room and calls the place. You and Sam talk about where you guys should stay for the night, and if you should stay longer. Sam calls up Nate and asks him if he wants to go.

S: so are you in?
N: heck yeah dude! That shit sounds awesome
Y: haha!
N: is that y/n?
Y: the one and only!
N: yo what's up!!
Y: just chillin learning about a creepy doll.

You all laugh and Colby runs back in the room with a big smile on his face, and his arms up.

C: it's a yes people!!

You smile and Colby smiles back. He sits next to you and gives you a hug. You laugh and look over to Sam and he's pouting.

S: I feel so third wheeled rn
N: it's ok man
S: oh I forgot you were here

You all start laughing and then Sam leaves to go tell kat where you all were going in a few days. Colby lays on top of you and kisses you. You smile and rub your fingers through his hair. He smiles into the kiss then pulls back and looks at you. You softly laugh and he kisses you again.

Y: what was that?

You mutter into the kiss.

C: just thinking of how lucky I am

You smile and sit up. You give him a hug and he rests his head on top of yours wrapping his arms around you.

(Like how he did on the live w stas)

Y: I love you so much
C: I love you more

You look up at him and smile. He kisses you and he lays on his back keeping you on top of him. You both keep smiling into the kiss and he pushes your hair behind your ear and tilts his head.

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