Chapter 13. Sleepover w seth

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Place - hotel room
Time - 10:27pm
People - Sam Colby Seth

C: ok guys I'm gunna take a shower.
Y: k.
Seth: alrighty. We can play truth or dare after?
Y: can we do that when Kat is here too
Seth: ugh fine.
Y: but we could to hide n seek?
S: y/n we are in a small room with 2 beds- omg there's 2 beds
Y: oh.
Seth: what's the arrangements?
S: y/n up to you.
Y: Seth I don't know you that well so not you sorry.
Seth: understandable
Y: and Sam, i don't think so cause Kat isn't here.
S: so you will be with Colby?
Y: yup
C: guys!

You hear Colby yell from the shower

S: yeah?
C: I need a towel!
Seth: I'll give I to him

Seth stands up and gives Colby the towel.

C: thanks brotha
Seth: ofc brotha

You see Seth wink at Colby then start laughing.

Y: you guys I swear.
S: what about us?
Y: your weirdos.

Your cut off by Colby coming out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist. Your eyes widen as you quickly turn away covering your face with your hands.

S: damn Colby
C: I forgot my clothes.
Seth: you could have just asked man
C: they were right here so I didn't want to seem lazy. I'll go change now

Colby goes back into the bathroom and changes. He comes back out in his original clothes and then he sits next to Sam.

C: y/n are you going to shower?
Y: oh. Yeah

You stand up and go take a shower.

With Colby -

Seth: why did you really come out of the bathroom with only a towel?
C: because my clothes were right there-
S: why were they there and not in the bathroom?
C: what-
S: you heard me
C: I don't know-
Seth: mk.

With y/n -


You say under your breath. You also don't have a towel.

Y: Colby!

You yell.

C: what?
Y: what do you mean what!

You can hear him laughing.

Y: the towel!
C: oh! Sorry

You open the curtains things to the shower and you stand in front of the door placing your hand on the knob. You thought you were going to open the door enough to stick your hand out to get the towel, but Colby had other plans. Just swing the door open.

C: oh shit-
Seth: AH

You pull Colby in to get the towel. He slams the door closed.

Y: what the hell!
C: I didn't know you were there I'm sorry!
Y: give me the towel.
C: here! I'm so sorry y/n. I honestly didn't know you were going to be right there.

You look back up to him and you can tell he's being serious. His mouth slightly open, his head tilted to the side, short breathed, and his eyes look worried/ upset.

Y: it's fine I guess.

You wrap the towel around you and you hug him giving him a small kiss.

C: too short
Y: Colby-

He pulls you back in for the kiss by putting his hand on your cheek. It was a sloppy kiss because both of your lips were wet so it make a little bit of sound.

You smile into the kiss and you can tell he is too. He rocks side to side with you then pulls back to give you a hug.

C: I really am sorry.
Y: don't worry about it. It's only Seth and Sam. They didn't see everything
C: you sure?
Y: yes.

You smile and give him a short kiss. He leaves the bathroom making sure he doesn't swing the door open this time.

Seth: jeez what happened in there? You like- red
S: yeah Colby. Wait-
C: she was kinda yelling at me. It was also hot. IN THE ROOM.
Seth: did he just say it was hot
C: the room! Cmon guys

You finally get changed then you walk out and you sit next to Colby.

Y: did you guys see anything-
S: only top.
Seth: yeah.
Y: how much Seth
Seth: enough
Y: okay.

You sigh and tilt your head back.

Y: please don't tell anyone.
S: yeah! Ofc y/n
Seth: I'll probably forget tmrw tbh
Y: good.
S: Colby you'd like shook- you say everything didn't you
C: not like I haven't-

You hit him and smile.

C: I was going to say not like I haven't seen anything before-
Y: hah.
S: on y/n?!!
C: no! God no.
Seth: sure
C: games?
Y: umm what about exposed?
Seth: what's that?
Y: download it. It will explain everything to you!
Seth: kk

They all download it and you show them how to sign in.

S: ooo we should go through each others phone

You and Colby quickly turn to each other in panic

Y: I don't think-
Seth: yes!
S: after this tho.
Y: yeah haha

After play exposed -

S: alrighty guys. Whoever says the number I'm thinking is safe from people going through their phone.
C: so if I guess the number nobody goes through my phone
S: yes. But if you guess it wrong then we do, but you can chose what we go through.
Y: k.
S; I an thinking if a number 0-10. Colby go
C: uhhh 6?
S: wrong!! It was 4. What can we see?
C: what are the options
S: camera roll, messages, TikTok, insta, anything.
C: uhh
Seth: what you hiding brotha
C: nothing-

He starts laughing. You tell him camera because you guys also message on tiktok sometimes.

C: can I skip?
S: cmon what's the fun in that?
Seth: it's up to you Colby.

He turns to you and you see he wants you to say something.

Y: Colby if you don't want to it's ok!
C: ok.
S: y/n your turn
Y: alr
S: Chose a number 1-10
Y: umm 6 again like Colby said haha
S: HA! No! Give me your phone
Y: go through my camera roll there's nothing spicy on there
S: ugh fine

Colby looks over to you quickly and mouths something like he took pictures on there? Wait.. he took pictures there

Y: shit um guys
S: woah

You see Sam is already going through you camera roll and there is a bunch of Colby like he did the burst 10 hundreds of times!

S: Oo a Video-

You snatch the phone out of his hand and look to Colby

Y: when did you take all of these?!
C: thought it was sams new phone sorry
Y: ugh.
S: that's why there's so much Colby
Seth: I was about to say, I didn't think you two are dating cause like.. idk it doesn't really fit

You relax all the muscles in your face when he said that. You close your eyes and take a deep breath. You wish Seth didn't say that. You look over to Colby and he looks pissed but doesn't say anything.

Y: guys I'm getting tired it's 1:36am!
S: k

You climb into bed while Sam and Seth get in the other bed.

C: I sleep with y/n?
S: Colby please don't make this a big deal.
Y: Colby
C: yeah?

You two are now in bed whispering to each other btw

Y: your wearing jeans!
C: yeah
Y: you know how I feel about about you wearing not comfortable things to bed.
C: well I have nothing else to wear
Y: just take them off.
S: woah y/n
Seth: you guys whisper loud
Y: I'm serious! I don't want to feel jeans rubbing against me
C: and you won't, fine I'll take them off. If I get cold I'm blaming you
Y: ok

He takes the off and climbs into bed with you. He spoons you and kisses your shoulder.

C: goodnight my love.
Y: goodnight baby.

You kiss him on the lips and you try to sleep.

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