Chapter 4. Exploring the hotel with colby!

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Place - hotel room
People - colby
Time - 10am

You wake up to feeling Colby breathing on your neck softly asleep. His hands still on your hips, and his body behind yours. You turn to face him and then you look at his face, then to his lips.

What am I doing! I met him a few days ago. We're just friends. And I'm going to take pictures of him

You take your phone from the nightstand and start taking pictures

Y: haha! So cute.
C: mm.

He stretches then hugs you. You recording all of this too!

C: good morning y/n.
Y: eyes are still closed
C: mhm
Y: and you still gunna sleep?
C: not with a beautiful girl with beautiful personality in the bed, no

You don't know how to respond because you jaw is dropped and you get major butterflies.

Y: I-
C: yeah?
Y: your-
C: haha. Come here

You go closer to him, again, still recording. You get on top of him and he hugs you.

C: thanks
Y: for what?
C: idk. Just meeting me
Y: your so..
C: so?
Y: perfect.
C: ikr thank you

Omg his morning voice is driving me nuts! You keep thinking. You lower head onto his shoulders for him to lift it up by lifting your chin. You bring your face close to his and your lips touch.

He holds your cheek and both sit up. You wrap your hands around him. You tilt your head and open your eyes. You see his are also open and you smirk.

You lay down on you back and he gets on top of you. He begins kissing your neck while you groan in pleasure. His hands moving all over your body. You love it.

His hands running through your hair. His hands on your hips. His lips on your neck.

Y: take your shit off.
C: what was that?
Y: please.

He smirks and you both take you shirt off. Your lips connect again and he slowly grinds into you. He begins kissing down your body. His hands crazing your body.

You wrap your legs around him and your lips touch again. You wrap your arms around his neck while he is on top of you.

You pull him closer and you toughen the kiss. He clearly likes it so you keep doing it. He groans into the kiss. He flips you on top and you rock your hips back and fourth on him. You bend over to kiss him, tracing his abs with your hand. You begin kissing his neck all the way down to his v line.

He's groaning like crazy and you sit back up to rock your hips back and fourth. You sit him up and your lips attach again.

He puts his hand against your cheek and tilts his head. You smile into the kiss while he groans.

*knock knock*

S: is everything ok in there?
Y: fuck. Uh yeah!
S: can I come in
C&Y: no! Give us a sec

You and Colby hurry to put your clothes back on and Colby tires to hide his very known boner with a pillow

Y: yep you can come in now-

Sam burst through the door and sees Colby with a pillow, and your hair messy.

S: what happened- Colby why are you holding a pillow there
C: cause it's cold-

You burst out laughing when he says that

Y: oh my god that's awesome
S: look. Guys- if you were messaging around just say it
Y: nope
C: now why would we do that sam

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