Chapter 6 date?

487 4 0

Place - car
People - Colby
Time- 1:56pm

You sit in the passenger and Colby drives. You play your favorite songs and blast them

Y: I haven't felt this alive in forever!
C; so it's not just me?

You both start laughing and then you open the. Sunroof. You feel Colby's hand placed on your thigh. Your heart skips 5 beats and then you finally breath again. You place your hand in top of his.

You pull into Texas road house and you notice Colby putting on a hat and sunglasses

Y: do you know how emo you look rn? Black and white striped zip up, black skinny jeans with a chain, black hat, and sunglasses-
C: do you want people to find us out?
Y; true. Gimme one

He gives you sunglasses and a baseball hat. You put the hat on backwards as a joke and you walk in.

C: table for two please?
W: ok! Please do take off either hat or sunglasses please. Just so we know who you are.
Y: ok.
C: k..
Y: Colby it's going to be fine.
W: let me take you guys to your spot
Y: ok thanks
W: here we are! My name is daisy and I will be serving you today. May I have your names?
Y: y/n L/n.
C: Colby Brock.
D: your Colby Brock?!!
C: please keep it down.
D: sorry. Anything for drinks?

She says while smiling. It was clear that he didn't like it.

Y: I'll have a water please, Colby?
C: I'll also have a water.
D: ok! Y/n may I ask you something over there rq?
C: I'm coming-
Y: Colby I'll be fine. I'll be right back. K?
C: ok. I'll be here.

You follow daisy outside and take off your hat and sunglasses

Y: yeah?
D: are you and Colby dating? Cause I saw that video of you two kissing and you were wearing his clothes and stuff.
Y: no. Just close friends, I've known him Sam and Kat for a while. Kat is my cousin so
D: ohh that makes sense. Like why would Colby date sams gfs cousin?
Y: haha yeah.

Daisy clearly couldn't tell that made you upset and uncomfortable.

Y: well would you please tell everyone else that we want them out of their personal lives?
D: of course!

You both walk back in side and you see Colby in his phone looking at his dms in insta.

C: some people are gross.
Y: yeah, Your going to run into that.
C: sadly.
Y: ok I'll get a cheeseburger, and what will you have?
C: steak.
Y: Colby we can leave if your not comfortable
C: no I'm fine, I just don't like daisy.
Y: please give her some time. You are so many peoples idol. You know that right?
C: yeah but-
Y: it's not everyday someone meets their idol.
C: true. We are gunna watch are movie after this right?
Y: I have to turn down a guy first. Cause I take it my mom still didn't tell him I have a bf.
C: is that what I am?
Y: up to you.
C: alright.
Y: anyways so I-
D: here you guys go! There's both your waters, ready to order lunch?
Y: yes! Thank you, may I have a cheeseburger?
D: yep! With fries?
Y: yes please!
D: got it! Colby?
C: can I have a steak please?
D: with what sides. Mashed potatoes, green beans, or a bread roll.
C: could I have mashed potatoes with it please
D: of course! Should be out soon guys! Enjoy.

And with that she walks away. You hold Colby's hand under the table. He smiles at you.

Y: take that silly hat off.
C: fine.
D: here you are!
Y; thank you!

You look over to Colby and he is just amazed on how the steak looks.

Y: eat up!

After the restaurant-

Y: that food was soo good!
C: ikr? The steak was the best thing ever
Y: haha! Oh wait. Colby your coming with me for this
C: what's going on?
Y: remember? I have to tell that guy I'm taken
C: why don't you just not show up?
Y: how did I not think of that. Omfg
C: can we watch a Christmas movie?
Y: once we get home
C: kk!
Y: which one?
Y: that grinch!

You both smile at each other and you drive home.

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