Chapter 35. At home party!

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Time - 3:47pm
People - Sam Kat you Colby
Place - living room

Y: ok guys, I'll set up one half of the cups while Kat does the other, and Sam and Colby will find the ping pong balls. Got it?
K: yes ma'am! Sam
S: yo!
K: can you throw down the cups from Colby's room?
S: yeah!

Sam runs up to Colby's room and gets the cups. He runs back down and hands the cups to Kat. You and Kat take 7 and place them down on each side of the coffee table.

Y: what stuff did you guys get?
K: ok we got white wine to throw you guys off, some more white claw, gin-
Y: we got gin!
K: ok let's only poor a little haha!
Y: kk!
K: what did you guys get?
Y: ok. Whiskey, gin, champagne, beers, and that's it!
K: sweet! Let's get pouring.

You each pour in a shot of each drink in each cup. You mix some of the drinks and then the boys come running down with the ping pong balls.

C: got them! We each get 5 ping pongs
Y: ok! Now Sam get with Kat
S: i am- OH
Y: oh my god

Everyone laughs and Sam moves over to Kat and laughs with you.

Kat throws and misses.

Y: ha!!
C: Sam pressures on
S: the fuck does that mean
Y: haha! Go!!

Sam throws and gets it in. Kat jumps up and starts dancing.

S: take that you losers!!
K: drink drink drink!!!

Sam takes a shot and makes a guess on what that was.

S: wow

He makes a squinted face like he just had a lemon.

S: gin?
Y: you know it!
C: I thought you didn't like gin
S: I don't

Sam crushes the cup and sits back down. You get a ping pong and you aim.

C: focus
Y: I'm trying.
C: go for the middle

You look over to Colby.

Y: sh! I got this.
K: yeah Colby
S: oooo
C: alright. Go!

You make a shot and get it in! You look over to Colby and see he's smiling.

C: drink! What you looking at me for?

You laugh and take a shot.

Y: woah! Wine- for sure wine
S: taste like grapes?
Y: nope!! Ew that's nasty
K: wine isn't that bad.
Y: I'd prefer gin
S: really?
Y: yeah.

You turn over to Colby and see him leaning back looking at you.

Y: hi
C: well hello there
Y: it's your turn you know
C: no really?
Y; oh shut up.

He laughs and sits up.

C: I'm teasing you. I'm gunna miss that
Y: Colby!
S: what else do you tease her ab

You laughs and look at him. His eyes widen and he looks over to Sam slowly.

C: uh
K: woaaahh!
C: I didn't even answer
K: I know what and I dint want to hear it
S: Poor y/n.
Y: I know, poor me. Colby go!

Colby sits up again and looks next ti where you got yours in.

Y: keep your eyes on it
C: got it
Y: focus

You laughs and he looks over to you.

C: I know what I'm doing
Y: that's how I feel
C: blah blah

Colby throws and gets it in.

Y: you weren't even looking?!!
C: I'm just that good
S: how did you-
K: WHAT?. How is that even possible!!
Y: good question.
C: I already told you, too good
Y: mhm sure. DRINK!!!

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