Chapter 22. Panic

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Place - ambulance
Time - 12:04am
People - Sam Kat and Colby

You and Kat quickly run downstairs to see what has happened. You run into the kitchen where you heard the yell came from and you Saw sam with tears running down his face holding Colby unconscious.


You sprint over to them and you look at Colby. His face pale and cold, passed out. You look over to Kat with tears streaming down your eyes and see she's dialing 911.

K: hello? Please send an ambulance! My friend Colby passed out and we don't know what happened- calm down?! Calm down?!!!
Y: Kat!
K: sorry. We live *****st- please hurry.

She hangs up and walks over to you and Sam giving you both a hug and comforting you.

You hold Colby's hand and kisses it.

Y: we were just having so much fun and now-

You burst you crying and your holding onto him. Kat rubs your back and holds you up. Sam gives Colby to and Kat to hold to get the door.

Y: he's so cold..
K: I know..
Y: I've never seen him cold only once and that's when he was wearing a tank top when it was like 20 degrees out.

You hugs him and you don't let go.

S: guys the ambulance is here!

People burst through the door taking Colby away from you. Seeing him be out on the stretcher made you lose your balance. Kat hold you up and you all drive in a separate car following the ambulance. Kat is driving while you and Sam sit in the back and you guys hold hands because Kat said it would be ok because you both need the comfort.

Y: I can't believe this is all happening.
S: I-

Sam can't even make out a word without pausing. You give him a quick hug and then you all get out. You run over to where Colby was being brought in from the ambulance and you hold his hand walking quickly with the medics.

They bring him inside a room where you couldn't go.

Y: what do you I can't go in! That's my boyfriend!!
?: ma'am we have to run some tests on him. Please stay calm and someone will come get you.
Y: i can't-

The man walks back into the room leaving you Kat and Sam at the door. You all go sit down together. Kat sits in the middle so she can comfort both of you and you go call your mom.

Y: mom..?
M: hi hun, what's wrong
Y: i-it's Colby.
M: what happened?
Y: he's in the hospital and I dint know what to do
M: I'm on my way. Who's there with you?
Y: Sam and Kat.
M: ok. I'm on my way

You sit back down with Sam and Kat then your mom walks in a few minutes after the call.

M: y/n?
Y: over here!

She quickly walks over to you and gives you a long hug.

Y: I'm so scared. I have no idea what's wrong-
M: y/n listen. It's not something serious. Now can you tell me what happened?
Y: so he and Sam went downstairs to get a drink for me and then me and Kat heard Sam tell his name and when we got down there he was passed out in sams arms-

You were shaking at the thought something serious was wrong.

M: sometimes if people don't get enough sleep or water they pass out.
Y: mhm.
?: is anyone here for Colby?
Y: here!

You yell and you run up to the nurse and you tell her your name and his birthday to confirm you know him.

?: what is your relationship with him?
Y: he's my boyfriend.
?: what about you sir?
S: he's my best friend.
?: what about you?
K: I'm her cousin, and his friend.
?: alright what is his date of birth?
Y: January second in 1997
?: yep, full name?
S: Cole Robert Brock.
?: okay you may come in. He is awake right now too
Y: thank god.

She opens the door and you look around from him.

Y: Colby?
?: he's over here. He's resting though. I believe doesn't know he's in the hospital.
S: as Long as he's awake
Y: yes.

You go into the room he was in and you see him watching the tv

Y: oh my god there you are

You run over to him and give him a big hug. He looks at you and looks upset.

C: I'm okay y/n. I swear there is nothing to worry about.
Y: you scared me to death!

He gives you a kiss and tells you everything is going to be ok. He holds your hands and he's warm again. You close your eyes and smile. He kisses your hand and you let Sam see him.

the doctor comes in to tell you what happened.

D: hello guys! So Colby passed out because he overworked himself and didn't eat or drink enough. Do you know when this could have happened?

You look over to Sam and Kat confused

Y: overworked?
C: I work out a lot if that counts
D: do you drink water?
C: yeah
D; ok. What is your diet normally?
C: uhh steak, white claw water-

You start laughing

C: what?
Y: and chicken nuggets
C: I was going to that

He smiles at you and then the doctor kept asking questions. He tells Colby he has to stay the night but he could leave tomorrow morning before 12pm.

Y: ok so nothing is wrong with him?
D: nope!
S: thank god.

The doctor smiles and leaves the room while you Sam and Kat day goodnight to Colby. He gives you a quick kiss then Sam and Kat a hug.

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