Chapter 38. "New home"

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Place - Nikis house
People - you mom Alex Niki
Time : 3:52pm

You all get out of the car and you struggle getting your bags. You really wish you had Colby to help you but you didn't. Niki comes over to help you and you smile.

N: I know I'm not Colby but I'll try to help.

You smile and she laughs.

Y; any help helps.

She takes in one of your bags while you get the other and shows you to your room and closes the door behind her.

N: tell me about him!! Show me pics!

You smile because she makes you feel happy, more then your mom.

Y: yeah! Ok so he's tall.
N: we love that
Y: killer jawline
N: oo!
Y: ok we get hes cute and hot.
N: all the above, go on
Y: but his personality.
N: that too?!
Y: I know!
N: sounds to perfect. Show me pictures
Y: he has tattoos and a 6 pack, funny drunk side
N: to Good to be true!

You both laugh and you show her pictures.

N: that's Colby?! He's a keeper. He's aloud to stay over if you'd like! He's keep Alex away.  Where does he live?
Y: Las Angeles!
N: how did you two meet?
Y: ok so I moved in with my cousin Kat and her boyfriend Sam, and one night I was in my room and Colby walked in the house and I went to go see who it was bc Kat didn't tell me anyone else lived there. We started talking and boom here we are.
N: does he treat you well?
Y: you can't imagine. Opens doors for me, helps me with about anything, I'm wearing his hoodie rn actually cause it's freezing out.
N: aww good for you! I'll start making dinner cause it will be a few hours.
Y: ok! Need any help?
N: that would be nice! Thank you.
Y: ok I'll be right down, just gunna spray some stuff in here
N: ok! Take your time

You both smile and she walks out. You dig through your bag to find Colby cologne and spray it.

You put it on your pillow, and basically everywhere in your room. You sigh and take in the smell. You smile think of the last kiss you two shared before you got on the plane. You realize that Niki is waiting for you so you rush down the stairs into the kitchen.

Y: hi sorry
N: ooo you smell good!
Y: haha thanks. It's his cologne

She smiles and you help her cook pasta.

N: alright so we are making home made sauce!
Y: I've never done that before, so sorry if I'm no help.
N: that's why we're doing it! I want to help teach you.

You smile because your mom never did that with you.

Y: you and my mom are so different, how are you so close?
N: she needs me to help show her good in things. She's like how I am to you with my son so. You know
Y; seems like it

You look over to your mom in the living room with Alex and they are playing board games laughing.

Y: she never did that with me.
N: aw hun. Your going to have an awesome time here, k?
Y: k.

You smile and she gives you a hug.

N: now let's make some food!

You laugh and you start making it. She tells you the Ingredients and you put them all together.

Y: wait and stir thoroughly? What does that mean that's all it says for how long!
N: until it looks ready
Y: it looks the same when it's done-
N: that's when you taste it! Also a few minutes after it starts steaming
Y: I'm sorry taste it? You want me to put my finger in there!
N: we have spoons for a reason.

You both laughs and you keep stirring. Your phone buzzes and you see it's Colby! Your face lights up and Niki gets the phone for you.

N: I'll hold it up for you!

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