Chapter 68. News

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Time - 10:21am
place - your room
people - you kat

y: hi kat, what's up?
k: we need to talk.
y: you ok?
k: yeah. come here

you walk over to kat and you see that she's stressed, struggling, and upset.

y: woah are you ok?
k: me and sam broke up.

your eyes widen and your jaw drops. kat laughs and said that's what she expected.

y: woah a what
k: yeah.
y: why?
k: disagreement.
y: but your in love with each other.

she starts to cry and you hit yourself for saying that. you give her a hug and comfort her and you hear colby yell.

c: what?! no way. your joking!

(after comforting kat goes to stas's place, and sam goes somewhere. )

you walk down the stairs to seeing colby watching tv. you smile and hop on the couch to be next to him.

y: hi baby
c; hi.
y: you alright?
c: i feel bad for them.
y: sam and kat?
c: yeah.
y: do you know why they broke up?
c: sam wasn't ready to get married, kat was.
y: oh. that makes sense.
c: it wasn't gunna work though
y: yeah.

you feel colby's hand on your thigh and you smile. you give him a short and gentle kiss, but he holds it.

y: colby.

you mumble into the kiss.

c: just for a few minutes. i need to get my mind off of a relationship that isn't mine
y: mk

you smile into the kiss and he lifts you onto his lap. it was a slow and passionate kiss. not a rough make out when he quickly changes your mind by creeping his hands up your hips.

y: colby no

you say pulling back. his eyes burn into yours and then he forms his lips into a line, slowly nodding.

c: sorry.
y: it's ok, we should just watch a movie or something.
c: alr i'll grab the remote

he gets up and you begin scrolling on your phone and come across an one direction video.

y: huh.

you murmur not knowing what a broken up boy band of 7 years was doing on your fyp. it was a "one direction funny moments" kind of video, and you watch it all the way through smiling and laughing.

y: babe!
c: yeah?

he shouts from the other room looking for the remote, clearly taking his time.

y: do yk one direction?

colby runs into the room with wide eyes and a smile.

c: obviously! why?
y: idk i think they're funny.
c: y/n i love one direction

he says sitting down next to you. you smile again slightly looking down while he pulls out his phone and begins playing a song.

y: hm?

you say looking at his phone. you read midnight memories.

c: one of their best songs

you smile while he raises the volume, making you laugh while he sings along horribly. then sam walks in.

y: shit

colby turns the music off and sees sams bloodshot red eyes and he js shakes his head, making his way to the stairs. colby stands up to go after him but you hold him tight by the wrist and tell him to give sam some space. he groans and falls back into the couch and signs, but he knows it's for the best.

OKOK SO IK THIS WAS HELLA SHORT BUT IVE MADE SO MANY CHAPTERS AND IM RUNNING OUT OF THINGS TO WRITE AB. also, i will be writing a thank you letter thingy after this😭

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