Chapter 46. Jan 2nd (pt 4. surprise.)

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Place - living room
People - Sam kat you and Colby
Time - 6:02pm

K: ok, Colby
C: hm?

You all are sitting on the couch and watching a show, then kat looks over to you.

K: me and y/n have to do something
C: alr
S: k

You and kat go upstairs to your room and start getting everything ready.

K: ok the chair goes in the middle
Y: wait are you and Sam gunna be here?
K: y/n..
Y: OH it's gunna be a vid right.
K: then me and Sam and gunna do it, remember?
Y: yep!
K: ok, get changed!
Y: k! Get the shit glasses for the lime juice
K: got it

Kat leaves the room and you get changed into the lingerie. Your lingerie is high waisted, with fish net tights, and it has a leathery sort of shine to it.


Kat runs up with the shot glasses and smiles.

K; holy wow, he's gunna lose.
Y: haha! Since it's gunna be a video should I cover up more? He will be blindfolded anyways too.
K: oh yeah that's true. Uhhh I mean a skirt? Cause it's kinda like a sports bra on top
Y: or I could change back into my dress
K: yeah haha

Kat leaves the room to let you change and get the shots ready.

You set the lime juice and shot glasses on your tv stand, and the blind fold from a previous birthday. You set up the camera and laugh.

Y: what's up guys! This is y/n's cam and kat has one, I think Sam has one. The chair is facing the other way so you can't see anything. But kat would be getting Colby's reaction and stuff so let's call them up! SAM KAT COLBY!!!!

You hear running up the stairs and you hide the camera and stand in front of the door.

C: yo- woah

Colby walks in and sees the chair, lime juice, and blindfold.

C: oh no
S: heck yeah!!
K: I'll be rooting for y/n!
C: oh god
Y: haha! You know how this works?
C: sorta.
S: I'll tell the camera
C: wait what
K: haha! We won't post if you want too
C: on what?
S: xplr club, insta or snap. Or YouTube
C: ok. I won't touch tho j swear
Y: mhm

S: alright guys! This is how the game works. Colby is going to be in that chair, blindfolded, and y/n's gunna- how do I say this. Dance on him and he can't put his hands on her. But if he does, he needs 2 or 3 shots oooooofffff LIME JUICE! Bad experience with that. MOVING ON
Y: this is going to be so good
C: I got this
S: hi Colby woo!
Y: Sam you know you and kat are going after too right
S: wait wha-

Kat puts on red leds and laughs.

K: I'll put on streets by doja cat!
C: is this really necessary
K: yes.

S: wait I'm just gunna go live
K: BET!!
Y: when do I start?
K: maybe when Colby sits
C: oops sorry

Colby grabs the blindfold and sits down.

C: see you when I win
Y; you have till the song is over, and it's a decently timed song. Cya

You both smile and kat gives you the thumbs up.

Y: I really don't want someone walking in
S: your good! Go for it.

You softly laugh and get onto Colby's lap and softly put your hands on each side of his neck. He slightly smiles and laughs.

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