Chapter 54. Landing

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Place - airport
People - Nate Sam you and Colby
Time - 11:02am

You guys are outside of the airport waiting for someone to give you guys your rental golf cart.

Y: where is this person?
S: good question.

You guys are waiting for a few more minutes and someone walks up to you.

?: are you Colby?
N: oh no that's him-
?: are you Colby?
C: yeah
?: nice to meet you, I'm John I'll be giving you your rental
C: nice to meet you, and thanks
J: your welcome, here's the keys

He hands Colby's the keys and walks away.

S: that guys was kinda sketchy
N: he's was rude
Y: haha yeah.
C: idk what his problem was, but let's go look for it. He said it was a dark gray when we were texting.
Y: k!

Colby takes your hand and you all start walking to the parking lot. You both swing your hands back and forth smiling and pointing at the chickens and roosters.

Y: look at the babies! So cute!
N: awww
S: look at the mama bird
C: haha! That's so cute

You quickly turn your head over to Colby and see a big smile on his face.

Y: there it is! I'll race you there!!

You rush over to the car and Colby's close behind you.

Y: ahh!!
C: ima beat you!

You were laughing and he passes you.

Y: Nooo!!!

He gets in the drivers seat and you stop to take a breath and you hear him laughing.

You look up and him and his wrist is on the wheel, he's leaning back into the seat, and one of his knees are on the wheel and the other is relaxed.

You smile knowing that's he's your bf and you stand up straight.

Y: I guess I'll put your bags in the back too

He quickly stands up and takes your bags.

C: no

He buts them in the back so that way Sam and Nate can hold it still.

S: yeah sure
N: I'll try not to knock it out
Y: Nate!

You both laugh and you sit in the front next to Colby.

You are driving for less then a minutes and see roberts place.

Y: yo! Hi Robert!!!
C: heyyy!!!
N: what good!?

You all laugh and drive to the hotel admiring the scenery.

In the hotel -

N: two beds?
S: I think it's fair if y/n and Colby sleep together

You and Colby smile and you jump on the bed. You feel Colby jump next to you and you turn on your side to face him.

He pulls you close and he rests his hand on your cheek. You slightly smile and you give him a quick kiss.

C: I love you

He mouths.

Y: I love you more

You both smile and he hugs you. You both roll over so your on top and you have your knees around his waist and your head resting on his chest.

N: uhm

You open your eyes and see Nate and Sam just watching yoy.

S: I can't say take it to the room cause we are in one
Y: your so dramatic.
S: how

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