Chapter 21. Announcement

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Place - car
People - Sam and Colby
Time - 8:03pm

C: y/n.

You don't answer because you are still asleep.

S: she's still sleeping Colby
C: k.

Colby picks you up and carry's you inside and walks up to his room. He lays you down on his bed and he picks out some pjs for you and him.

He lays the pjs on the bed next to you and then he goes the take a shower. A few minutes of him in the shower you wake up.

You wake up confused because you thought you were in the car but then you hear the shower running. You see the pjs next to you and you change into them.

"Aww he gave me his red plaid pants and his fav shirt."

You keep thinking. You put on the clothes and then you hear the shower stop. The bathroom door slowly creeks open and you see Colby walk out in a towel tapped around his waist.

C: sorry did I wake you?
Y: I wish you did

He gives you a smile and gives you a quick kiss. He start walking off and you pull him in by putting your hand on his cheek. You look at him for a second and kiss him again.

He has one hand holding the towel up and the other on your waist.

You smile into the kiss and take a step closer to him. He leans into the kiss and pulls back. He walks over to his drawer and gets some shorts. You turn around while he puts them on and then he tells you to look.

Y: new shorts?
C: are they approved?
Y: yes.

You laugh and he smiles back. You walk over to him and he teases you by walking past you and lays down on the bed. You let's out a soft laugh.

Y: that's how it is?
C: I thought you were tired?
Y: I was.
C: mm.
K: Colby!!
C: what!

You see Kat walking in his room holding her phone in her hand.

K: you guys were NOT. Playing it cool at the fair today. Look at this

She shows you guys an edit of you two at the amusement park. You guys holding hands running to the first ride, then him looking at your lips multiple times, then you leading him to the bathroom.

Y: oh god
K: look I'm not going to even ask-
C: it was about the hoodie.
K: mhm. But the comments are a mixed combo.
Y: like?
K: some people are defending Colby like it's his business and some are all weird about it.
C: nice to know some people are protective.
Y: aww you need protection? Cute

He gives you a look and you give a soft smile.

K: guys take this seriously!
C: I was going to tell them soon anyways.
K: I know but they-
Y: Kat. We've got this.
K: people will threaten you!
Y: Kat we will be okay! Colby, why don't we make the video now?
C: now now?
Y: now.

You say in a low voice making his eyes widen.

C: wow uh-
K: damn y/n. Is he that easy to control? I could get him to do the dishes
Y: haha
C: Kat it's kinda a um.
K: oh. Uh I'll go-
Y: bye!

Colby gives Kat a wave and sets up the camera.

C: I'm gunna go get a shirt on real quick.
Y: k!

You turn the tv on and sit on his couch. He walks in with the camera set and placed it on the table in front of you.

Y: ok I'll wait outside while you talk to them and I'll come in when you call me!
C: ok!

He gives you a quick kiss then you leave.

C: hey guys, Colby here. I know probably most of you have seen the videos of me and this girl. The reason I didn't show her to you quicker is because I was trying to protect her from some hateful opinions. This girl is my whole world and I love her with every piece of me. She is the most funny and sweetest person I've ever met. I'll go call her in. Y/n! You come here!

You open the door and you smile after hearing everything he said. You quickly walk over to him and sit next to him holding his hand. You introduce yourself saying your name, age, and how you met Colby.

After your done he shuts the camera off and gives you a quick kiss.

C: that felt good
Y: that was pure pressure haha.
C: no don't feel like that
Y: your so cute

He poses and you laugh.

Y: thank you.
C: for?
Y: saying all that stuff about me. About how I am your whole world and how your love me with every piece of you.

Before you let him answer you give him a kiss. Sure it was meant to be short, but they never are too too short.

You feel him smile into the kiss and he rubs his fingers through your hair. He lays back and you lay on top of him with your lips still connected. You give him a hug and he wraps his arms around you.

C: I love you, y/n. You are my everything.

You look at him and smile.

Y: I love you too, Colby. You are my whole world.
C: you took that from me!
Y: did I?

He smiles and gives you a kiss then a long hug.

K; you guys are so cute

You both sit up quickly to find Sam and Kat in the room with their hands over their hearts.

C: how long have you guys been there-
S: ever since you stopped recording
K: you guys are so sweet
Y: thank you haha.

You get off of colby and you go change back into his hoodie cause you were getting cold.

C: are you cold?
Y: a little
C: come here

He stands up and holds his arms out and you go into them. He wraps his arms around you and gives you a quick kiss because Sam and Kat were still there.

Y: thank you.
C: maybe change into pants?
Y: no!
C: mine?
Y: maybe.
K: we will leave you alone
S: no Funny Business please, I'm trying to record
C: record what?
S: midnight hide and seek its almost 12 so
K: wanna join?
Y; I need something to wake me up.
C: I know something

He gives you "the" look.

K: cmon guys we know that eye contact
Y: not like we actually are
C: I won't. I know self control
K: Colby!
C: what?
K: what do you mean what?!
Y: guys it's fine I'll stay up
C: I'll get white claw
Y: oo! Get me one till Please!
C: k!

Sam and Colby leaves the room and you start changing Into his clothes.

K: y/n the sweatpants are so big on you!
Y: yeah. I'll just wear mine
K: haha yeah. So how's things between you and him?
Y: perfect. It's like a dream
K: that's good.

You hear Sam yell downstairs.


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