Chapter 45. Jan 2nd. (Pt 3. Ice skating)

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Time - 3:21
People - you Sam kat and Colby
Place - ice skating rink

You Sam kat and Colby all walk In the rink and get your skates.

Y: Colby do you remember how?
C: I think.
K: I think I'm good
S: I'm not

You laugh and you step onto the ice and everyone follows. Colby holds onto you by the waist and he's looking down.

C: I got this
Y: love the positivity!
S: haha! AH

Sam slips and falls onto kat.

K: ow-
Y: are you guys ok?!!

You all burst out laughing and you help them up.

S: that shit hurt man ouch
Y: we're gunna be here for a few hours so get used to it
S: Oop
K: haha!

Colby laches back onto you and you help him while kat try's to help Sam next to you.


Colby's running in place trying to stay up and you all start laughing


Colby slips over and pulls you down with him.

Y: AH-

You land on top of him while Sam and kat laugh at you both.

C: we're all going to break one bone doing this.
S: for sure, there's no doubt ab it

You stand up and wipe the shredded ice off of your pants then help Colby up.

C: go do a trick
Y: what?
C: you heard me, Pleasee
K; yes y/n!
S: this will be cool

Sam holds up his camera and starts recording for xplr club.

S: cmon y/n!
Y: ugh fine.

You skate out to the middle and make a sharp stop. You wave over to them then you go in a circle, then do a quad.


You land it and smile. You do a bow and see everyone's jaw dropped.

You skate over to them and they all smile

K: I didn't know you could do that
C: jaw. Dropped.

You all laugh and you teach Colby how to skate.

An hour later -

Y: ok Colby, your going to cross the middle and get over to me. Like we're playing fishy fishy cross my ocean!
C: I'll try, Sam?
S: I'm gunna fall, but let do it!
C: yesss
K: I'll be with y/n.

You and kat quickly skate to the other side of the tank looking out for other people, and then you give Sam and Colby a count down.

Y: 3!!!
K: 2!!!
Y: 1!!!!!

They both skate over all wobbly and Sam latches onto Colby.


Colby holds Sam up and they safely make it across to you and Kay and then Colby falls into your arms.

C: too close
Y: haha!

Colby stands up straight and you give him a kiss. He falls into the kiss and places he hands on your waist to stay up, and just cause. You smile into the kiss and you tilt your head. He pushes your hair behind your ear and bites your lower lip.

S: uh-
C: hold on

Colby mumbles. He continues the kiss and you softly laugh.

C: what?
S: you guys are making out when there are 4 year olds out here
C: oops
K: we're you recording them?!

Kat shouts laughing.

S: shh
Y: wait what-
C: whole thing?!
S: maybe

You all laugh and you all get off the ice and get something warm to drink. You all are sitting on a bench when a fan comes up to you all.

?: oh my god can I get a pic with you guys? If it's alright if course.
C: yeah totally!

Him and Sam stand up and the girl smiles.

Y: want me to take the picture?
?: hi! And yes please.

You smile and get her phone then tell them to make funny faces.

Y: funny face Colby!

Colby sticks out his tongue and does the rock symbol with his fingers and Sam crosses his eyes.

Y: done! Here you go
?: thank you so much, can I give you a hug?
Y: of course!

You smile and you give the girl a hug.

?: oh! Happy birthday Colby! Can't wait for 26x26!!!
C: thank you! And I can't either!

The girl waves and walks away.

Y: that was sweet.
C: yeah, she seemed like a nice gurl. Probably only 16?
S: yeah looks it
K: she's probably 14 or 15
C: did you see what she was wearing?
Y: I wore that when u was her age

Colby turns to you wide eyed.

C: actually? Doesn't look like something you'd wear.
Y: why am I offended?
C: sorry, didn't mean to offend you.
Y: I'm playing with you
S: ooo
C: mhm.

He says while sipping his hot chocolate. You smile and do the same.

Y: I'm gunna go ice skate
C: alright, we'll be here.

You smile and go to the rink then you start skating past people. You take a deep breath and do another quad, then after that a twizzle. You normally skate after that and do a few more laps before you take a break and go back over to Colby.

Your in the middle of your last lap when you see someone skating next to you.

?: hi! Long time no see!
Y: huh?

You look at his face and your heart drops. Not now! You keep shouting in your head.

Y: oh, hi!
?: you remember me right? I mean it was only like 1 year ago but still
Y: yes Tyler ik
T: haha, who are you here with?

You stop skating and he stops too.

Y: kat, s-
T:  kats here?
Y: yeah?
T: sweet! I haven't seen her in forever! Show me her
Y: uh-

You look over to Colby and see him watching you closely.

T: who's that guy looking at you?
Y: that would be c-
T: I'm gunna go ask him why he's looking at you
Y: Tyler!

He drags you off the ice and and over to Colby. You let go of Tyler and sit next to Colby.

T: yo

Colby tilts his head to the slide and looks at Tyler curious.

T: why are you staring at her? That's so weird dude
Y: Tyler he's literally my bf.
T: what
C; yeah
T: shit sorry I didn't know, she didn't tell me.
Y: cause you wouldn't let me finish my sentence!
S: ok guys- we should probably head out-
C: good thought, cya Tyler

Colby stands up and you laugh when you see Tyler's face. Colby is obviously taller cause he's almost 6ft, and Tyler is like 5'8.

You stand up next to Colby, then Sam and kat follow you. You guys get in the car and go to the Dunkin drive-through, and you all get drinks. You and Colby are in The front, Colby's driving.

After getting your drinks you all head back to the house.

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