Chapter 55.

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( This was after dinner )
Time - 5:37pm
Place - hotel room
People - you Sam Nate and Colby

S: ok me and Nate are going to go shopping for Kat and Nate
N: I shop for myself
Y: haha ok!
C: have fun, cya

You wave goodbye and they close the door. You and Colby quickly turn to each-other and and he quickly goes over to you.

Y: I'm all sweaty!
C: I don't care
Y: Colby-

He picks you up and you both start laughing.

Y: 5 minutes in the shower

He frowns and you go turn on the shower. Colby walks in and you smile. He sits on the floor and watches you.

You smile and you rinse your your hair. You move your hands down your body to tease him and it worked. He takes his clothes off and gets in the shower with you. You smile and he pulls you close by the waist and kisses you. You French kiss and he pins you to the wall as he pushes your hair back.

The kiss becomes sloppy because of the water. He grinds his body onto yours and you get turned on. You sigh into the kiss and he places his hands on your hips and kisses your neck. Your hawks drops and your eyes close.

C: this is so much easier in bed

You laugh and you places your hands on his shoulders.  You pull back and look at him.

C: yeah?

You get down on your knees and he steps closer to you. He smiles and you take him in. He moves his hands on your head guiding you and he lets out a groan. He tilts his head back and he tightly closes his eyes. You swirl your tongue and he sighs.

You start sucking and and he makes you pick up the pace. You take him all in and he lets out a moan making you keep going.

C: fuck.

He says breathy. You smile and you pull back you catch your breath. He sits down and you climb onto his lap. You start going up and down and your head tilts back. He sighs and makes you slam down onto him. His breath is shaky and he's biting his lower lip. You let out a soft moan and you run your fingers through your hair and he moves his hands up your you body and rests his hands on your breast's and you bite your lower lip while bouncing up and down.

you let out a moan and heavily breathe. You hear the door open and you frown.

Y: ugh

Colby softly laughs and you hear Sam call for Colby.

S: Colby?!
C: yeah!

He says in a shaky voice.

N: y/n?
S: oh their probably.. yeah. Colby did you forget ab the live tonight?!!
C: fuck!
N: what kinda fuck was that
C: like fuck I forgot

You laugh and Colby rolls his eyes. He slows down your pace and takes a deep breath.

C: start the live now I'll be out in a few
S: be quiet!
Y: we'll try.

You mumble. Colby smiles and you sit back. Colby positions you so your on your elbows and knees with your ass up and he grabs your waist and pulls you on and off of him.

You let out a soft moan and he picks up the pace.

Y: fuck Colby

You moan.

S: did you guys close the door?!!
Y: n-

Is all you can get out without letting out a loud moan.

S: I'll take that as a no. Sorry guys I'll go close it real quick
N: their going fucking crazy Jesus

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