Chapter 29. New news

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Time - 3:21pm
Place - your bedroom
People - you

Y: oh. What's up?
M: we have to move again.
Y: I'm sorry, we?
M: remember this was only temporary.
Y: I know but-
M: I'm sorry y/n, I told you not to get to attached here
Y: I have a boyfriend here mom, and new friends!
M: long distance works
Y: I can't tell if your being serious right now.

You wipe your tears and you shut your camera off.

M: you knew this was going to happen.
Y; i thought you meant a few years at least. Not a few months!
M: you never know. We're leaving next week-
Y: next week?!

You yell. You hang up and you burst into tears. The door opens and it's Colby.

C: hey is everything alright?
Y: no. Everything's horrible!

Colby sits next to you and you climb onto his lap. He wipes your tears and gives you a kiss.

C: I'm here.
Y: for now.
C: not for now, always. What happened my love

Your eyes meet with his and you burst into tears again.

Y: ok so basically my mom called me.
C; alright, then what
Y: she said we had to move.

You see Colby's eyes widen and his mouth slightly open.

C: what? Why?
Y: because she needs to move for work again and she doesn't want to leave me here.
C: when are you leaving
Y: next week..

You see a tear run down Colby's face and he gives you a hug.

C: I'll always be here if you need me, got it?
Y: got it.

You wrap your arms around him and you close your eyes and smile. You don't want this feeling to leave. Safe. He's the only one that has ever made you feel like this, and the thought of that being gone crushes you.

You can tell he's trying not to cry but you know how bad he wants to. You rest your head on his shoulder and he moves your hair back so he doesn't pull on it by accident.

Y: this is going to work. It has to
C: and it will. I promise you. I will never leave you
Y: and I'll never leave you.
C: I love you

You look at him and smile.

Y: I love you too. we have to tell Sam and Kat
C: alright. Now you have to take me where you get your perfume because now I need it
Y: then you will get me your cologne?
C: of course.

He lets out a soft laugh as he pushes your hair behind your ear and he gives you a quick kiss.

C: alright let's go

You get off him and you hold onto his hand as you walk downstairs to find Sam still on his live.

C: Sam we have to talk to you.
S: holy shit you good?
Y: no not really.

Sam gives you and Colby a hug.

S: what happened guys? Did you..
C: no we didn't break up.
Y: I hope we don't.
S: ok, then what's wrong?
Y: my mom wants me to move.
S: where?
Y: back to New Hampshire.
S: holy shit what?!
Y: yep.
S: that's crazy! Do you know why?
Y: yeah. Cause of her work
S: why do you have to go with her though?
Y: I don't know. She doesn't want to leave me yet.
C: she has one more week with us
S: let's make it a good one.
K: hey guys sorry just getting some water. why are you crying, what happened?
S: y/n's moving
K: No.
Y: my mom just called and said I have to move with her.
K: what? I know she travels for work but it's only been a few months!
C: that's what I'm saying, it's messed up.
K: are you two going to be alright?
Y: we're gunna have to be.
C: we will be, k?
Y: ok.
K: we're gunna make the most of the time you have with us. Plus, we can visit you!
Y: yeah, you guys travel enough I don't want to be that person.
C: I'll just go then
Y: no Colby, Sam needs you here.
S: I'll be fine, I'll go with him too. We will visit often
Y: ok.

Kat gives you a long hug and you smile softly.

S: we have no time to waste, y/n what do you want to do
Y: uhhh is there an ice skating place?
K: ooo
S: I think there's a place a few minutes away
C: I haven't ice skated in a long time
Y: same! That's why I wanted to do it haha.
K: then maybe we could get dinner after?
S: alright! Let's go.
K: I call shotgun!
S: and I take it I'm driving
Y: yep.
C: I mean I'll drive
Y: no you'll stay in the back with me
C: I know I'm just teasing you
Y: good. Alright let's go!

Everyone gets in and Sam drives off the the ice skating place. Your sitting next to Colby in the back and you two are holding hands the whole way.

Y: I used to skate a lot actually. Remember that Kat?
K: yep! You loved it. What happened?
Y: I honestly don't know. I wish I didn't stop though.
S: still remember any tricks?
Y: maybe? I don't know. I'll sue how I feel
C: that would be pretty cool
Y: I know right? I would love that!
C: just don't hurt yourself
Y: I know.
S: where should we go to eat after?
K: we'll see how we're feeling after right?
Y: yep! Also, Sam you said it was a few minutes away.
C: few minutes for him is like 15 minutes.
Y: Sam how is 15 minutes a few minutes?!
S: cause it's not a lot of time
K: yeah he's like that
S: what does that mean
K: nothing
Y: haha!
C: it's like & minutes away.
Y. Oh my god I might as well take a nap
K: don't ask me

You lay your head on Colby's shoulder and he wraps his arm around you to keep you close and warm. He softly kisses you and rubs your arm. You smile and move closer.

Y: how are you always so warm?
C: how are you always so cold?
Y: girls are always cold. Unless their sick. It's the weirdest feeling when your sick, like you can't stand up for a minute without falling
C: you might wanna get that checked out, that's not normal.
Y: it's like that feeling when you get up too fast and you fall back down because you get dizzy. Most people get that
C: well then I'm not like most people?
Y: no, your special. I can't believe it's December here and there's no snow.
C: we usually only get like an inch a year.
Y: in New Hampshire we would get the biggest snow storms. You would either stay in and drink hot cocoa, or be outside sledding.
C: that sounds like fun, I want to go there now. I also head there's a lot of mountains and lakes there
Y: is that it?
C: what?
Y: that's all you know about New Hampshire
C: yeah why?

You laugh at Colby while he sits there confused.

S: here it is!
Y: Woop! Let's go!

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