Chapter 47. Jan 2nd. (Pt 5, last surprise.)

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Time - 9:32pm
Place - kitchen
People - you and Colby

You two are in the kitchen drinking the drinks from new years and you're both getting really drunk. You both keep laughing, filling up your cups and drinking.

Your drinking champagne, shots of whiskey, and white claws. You're vision is going a little blurry and you both keep laughing. You go to pore a little more into your cup and you miss it.

C: I think I'll take some of that-

He takes another sip of his white claw then the beer you were ab to pore. You both hear footsteps coming down the stairs and you both shh each other.

You keep eye contact and you both smile trying to hold in your laughter. Your mom walks in and looks around.

M: oh god

You and Colby burst out laughing and he takes another sip of his white claw.

M: you guys need to get to sleep, and drink some water.
Y: okayyyy

You snicker and you both walk upstairs to your room. You close the door behind you and hold the collar of his shirt and pull him close.

He smiles and puts his hands on your waist. He kisses you and you both fall onto the bed. He's on top of you and your running your fingers through his hair and smiling.

He sits up and licks his lips, then takes his shirt and pants off as you take off your dress.

He climbs back onto you and starts kissing down your body and opens your legs and starts kissing your inner thigh. You sigh and tilt your head back and put your hand on the top of his head and guide him.

He starts kissing up your body and gets to your neck. He sits you up on his lap and he rests his hands on your waist and he kisses you on the lips.

Y: I forgot to dim the lights

You say breathy into the kiss. Colby wraps his hands under you and stands up. He's holding you up and your legs are wrapped around his waist. He walks over to the light switch and dims the light.

C: I won't leave just to shut off the lights

He says into the kiss. You smile and he walks over to the bed and sits. You feel his hands go onto your back, then your lower back, then into your underwear pulling you closer. You smile and put your hair up while he kisses your neck. You slowly start rocking your hips and he lets out a sigh. He makes you go up a little more and a little faster.

You connect your lips and he's heavily breathing into the kiss as you both tilt your head to the side every few seconds. He bites your lower lip and lays down on his back, keeping you on top of him.

You continue to rock your hips and he lets out a soft groan and he moves his hands to your waist, then your chest. You put your hands on his you watch as his jaw open and let's put a sigh. You slowly take off your underwear as he does with his. He lays down on his back watching you get back onto the bed. You start kissing his neck then all the way down.

You feel his hand on the top of your head guiding you and where to go, and continue making you go down. You look up him and you start giving head.

He lets out a long sigh and sits up a little and has his hand on the top of your head still moving your head up and down. You look at him and see his head tilted back, eyes closed, and mouth open.

You smile and keep going until he flips you over so he's now on top. He spreads your legs apart your legs and slowly starts grinding into you. You have your hands on his upper back, and he's in a plank position. You feel his breath on your neck and you let out a soft groan in his ear. He picks up the paste and goes rougher making you dig your nails into his back.

He flips you so your on your knees bending forward with your ass in the air and he places his hands on your waist. He picks you up the paste again and you grab onto the sheets and tightly close your eyes.

You let out a loud groan into your pillow and he takes a deep breath. He starts going onto your body roughen making you yell into the pillow. His head is tilted back with his eyes closes, and mouth open.

After you both finish -

You are wearing one of his tshirts with Nike pros, he's wearing sweatpants shorts with no shirt. Your both under the covers and he's spooning you while you go on your phone.

You go onto your fyp and see a lot of edits of you and Colby. Your eyes widen as you realize what's going on and you show Colby.

Y: Colby
C: hm?
Y: I think Sam and kat left their cameras in here
C: wait like their phones?
Y: no like their own cameras
C: want me to check?
Y: kat hid them
C: shit uhh let's call her
Y: it's passed 12am are you crazy?!
C: kinda yeah

You both laugh and you start looking for the camera. You look under things, and behind things. Nothing!

Y: shit I don't want her seeing what we just did
C: not new news for her
Y: true.

Colby smiles and hugs you from behind. He kisses your neck and you smile.

Y: Colby-
C: shh

You smile and he turns you to face him. You guys hold eye contact and someone knocks at the door.

You open the door and see kat.

Y: kat!
K: heyy! Sorry ik it's late rn but I forgot my camera

You turn over to Colby and he bursts out laughing.

C: ahhh I have such a headache

He falls onto the bed and you quickly look back to kat.

Y: right! Uh about that.
K: let me get it first

You see kat walk over to your nightstand and then You see the camera. It was in pure sight too! You see kat about to look at the footage and your heart skips a few beats.

Y: NO-
K: what? OH MY..

Kat throws the camera onto the bed next to Colby and the volume is up.


Colby shuts off the volume and watches the video.

Y: Colby!
C: what?
K: oh my god y/n-

You cover your face with your hands and Colby deleted the footage off of the camera and hands it to kat laughing.

K: well I'm scarred for life. And I can't look at you two anymore
Y: welp
J: can you keep it down? Earlier was loud enough.

You look over to kat and she bursts out laughing.

K; sorry haha. I'm out

You look down and softly laugh. Colby tells Jake to go away and kat leaves. You and Colby get back u see the covers and go to sleep.

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