Chapter 2. Investigation #1

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Time - 5:32am
Place - your bedroom

You wake up to hearing Colby's alarm. You wake up to Colby's leg over you and hugging you while spooning. You smile softly.

I guess he can't hear it.

You rub his head and he lifts his head up slowly.

C: good morning-

Your jaw drops because you find his morning voice HOT.

C: you good?
Y: yeah. Good morning to you too, sorry haha.
C: your good. Hah.

He Stretches and shuts off his alarm. You get out of bed and start getting changed forget Colby is there.

C: oh uh. I'll look away.
Y: oh crap sorry haha.
C: your fine!

You quickly move into your walk in closet and change there. You walk back into your room and Colby isn't there. You get a wave of sadness and then you go to Kat.

K: oh! Hi y/n? What's up
Y: hi so. Where's Colby's room?
K: ooo I knew it. Um his door Is actually to the right of yours.
Y: oh really?
K: yeah! I just told you it was a closet cause idk why. Haha
Y: ok! Thanks
K: of course! Why do you want to see Colby tho?
Y: cause he invited me to go on the trip with you guys.
K: ohh! Ok! See you then!

You turn around and go to Colby's door. You knock on the door and then you hear Colby shout one second. You thought he was joking so you slowly creek the door open.

Y: boo!
C: ah!
Y: I didn't scare you didnt I
C: nope, your not scary
Y: ouch. That's deep. Where are you?
C: in the bathroom

You hear the shower running so you plop down on his bed. You hear the shower stop then you hear footsteps coming from the shower.

C: y/n I realized I forgot my t shirt. Can you get it please?
Y: oh yeah! Totally.

You walk over and start looking through his drawers to find a t-shirt.

Y: ha! Got one. I coming!
C: ok take your time! Actually we have 30 minutes nvm hurry

You open the bathroom door more and you forget he is tapped in a towel so you burst through the door.

Y: oh my god
C: oh my god?
Y: sorry. I should-
C: can I have my shirt please-
Y: right sorry
C: stop apologizing your fine!
Y: right sorry.

He gives you this look that makes your heart melt. He step in front of you to get by the door making his towel go down a little so that you see his v-line.

Y: holy hotness-

You say without thinking. He looks at you and smirks

C: what was that?
Y: what?!
C: I'm just playing.

He teases while he puts his shirt on.

C: I have to put my boxers in so uh.. you might wanna look away.
Y: right sorry.

You find yourself near a mirror and you start debating if you should look. But you hesitate. You feel like he should've been done by changed now, so you open your eyes and turn around and see him only with boxers on

C: HI-

He says all of that in a funny voice which makes you laugh. And also the funny faces he was making. *please tell me you guys know*

S: guys what's going on?

Colby runs to hide behind you and you put your hands up before Sam bursts through the door

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