Chapter 30. Ice skating!

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Time - 4:13pm
People - Sam Kat Colby you
Place - ice skating place

You all rush out of the car and into the building to get your tickets and skates. Once you have everything you need you put on your skates and off you go! You get on the ice and you forget what it felt like.

Y: hang on I'm going to see if I still remember some stuff. Don't fall!
C: I'm trying! You make it look so easy

He says while hanging onto the wall for his life. You go to the middle of the rink to test how good you can stop. Then, it all comes back to you.

C: do a twirl!

You look over to Colby and see that he is recording you. You smile and say ok, then you do the Biellmann spin. *look it up*

S: Woo!
K: go y/n!

You see Colby trying to skate over to you but failing miserably.

Y: let me help you
C: please I need it

Colby puts his hands on your shoulders and you skate backwards so he skates forwards.

Y: is this better?
C: yeah-

He slips and falls into you and you laugh.

C: oh my god
Y: you are so funny
C: I know

You look and him and he laughs. You smile at him then you help him lean to skate. He starts getting the hang of it and you try letting him skate on his own.

Y: alright! Try it
C: can we stay like this for a bit
Y: for a bit.

You smile and he slowly lets go of you and follows you.

Y: go Colby!!
C: ayee!
Y: keep up with me!
C: wait what

You laugh and say you were just joking.

Y: I'm sorry
C: you better be

He holds your hand to keep balance and feels your hand is super cold.

C: your hands are so cold
Y: I mean we are standing on ice
C: I know but still. Want some hot chocolate or something?
Y: no thanks I'm good.
K: there you guys are!
S: we lost you got a few
C: yeah, where'd you guys go?
K: to get some hot chocolate, we bought you both some too
C: sweet! Thanks guys, where is it?
S: where we put our shoes
C: alright! Cmon y/n

You and Colby go to get your hot chocolates and sit down watching Sam and Kat struggle to move on the ice.

C: they suck at this
Y: look who's talks
C: I find that offending!
Y: aww I'm sorry

You both laugh and he takes a sip of his drink. You look at him and burst out laughing then you take out your phone and take a video.

C: what's so funny?

He starts laughing with you and holds his hands up.

Y: hot chocolate mustache! Oh my god haha!
C: haha!

You both start laughing and he wipes it off.

Y: noo
C: yess
Y: that was so awesome

You wipe your eye and he smiles.

C: are you crying?
Y: that was hilarious!
C: you think I look bad with a mustache?
Y: I was looking at you and sams old videos from yesterday and it was cute
C: cute?!

He yells laughing.

Y: yeah! What's wrong with cute?
C: that's your thing!
Y: no that's your thing!

You both put your hot chocolates down and he gives you a hug. You lean into the hug and he gives you a soft kiss.

Y: your lips are warm

You mumble into the kiss.

C: I'm drinking hot chocolate
Y: no really?

He smiles into the kiss and rubs your inner thigh with his thumb.

S: guys! Nate just texted me and said he's throwing a party tonight, wanna go or no
Y: is that a question?!
K: did we just interrupt something-
C: yeah, actually. You did
S: uh ok. This place is open for 30 more minutes
C: ok we should get back on the ice then
Y: what about our hot chocolates?
C: we'll come get them on the way out
Y: kk!
K: alright let's go!

You Kat Sam and Colby all go back onto the ice. Sam is holding onto Kat for life, while Colby is only holding your hand while his other arms out helping him keep his balance.

Colby slips and falls dragging you down too. You land on top of him and you both start die laughing.

C: holy shit
Y: haha!
C: are you ok?
Y: I'm fine! Are you?
C: never been better. Then ice feels nice

You both let out a soft chuckle and you get up. He  struggles to get up and he grabs onto you. You laugh at him watching him struggle and he just smiles because if he moves to much he's going to fall again.

Once he gets up he does that fake cry thing he does. You laugh and give him a hug.

Y: your fine
C: I know
Y: wowww

He does a pose thing then kisses you.

C: Your so cute when I tease you
Y: I know

You say in a mocking voice.

C: wow

You laugh and look him in the eyes.

Y: I love you.
C: I love you too.

He places his hand on your cheek and pulls you in for a kiss. You smile into the kiss and he rests one hand on your hip and you have your hands on his shoulders.

C: your lips are cold
Y: cause I'm cold
C: I can fix that.

You both mumble into the kiss. You softly laugh and open your eyes and pull back to catch your breath.

Y: I'm going to miss this.
C: don't say that
Y: it's true though
C: I'm not going anywhere.

You nod your head and he gives you a hug.

Y: I'm surprised you didn't fall yet
C: honestly I am too

You give him one last soft kiss then Kat throws a snowball at you.

Y: hey!
K: snowball fight!
C: where did you even get the snow? We're inside
S; that's what I'm saying!
K: so go fast and the stop hard. It will shed the ice into snow!
Y: cmon guys it's simple!

You do a demonstration and you pick up the snow, make it into a ball, then you throw it to Kat. And you hit her on the head.

Y: oh my god I'm so sorry!!
S: she even ducked down and you still got her!
C: that's my girl!

Colby gives you a high five and you laugh. Sam tried to do make the snow and he falls over leaving Kat standing laughing her ass off.

K: haha! Oh my gosh! Are you ok?!
S: ow
Y: look at them
C: awwww

Sam pulls Kat down with him and they both laugh. Colby pulls you close again and you give him a soft kiss.

Y: I don't want this night to end, it's been so fun.
C: I know, we have so much to do before you, nvm.

You give him a hug and he doesn't let go. He gives you one last kiss and then you see people staring.

Y: shit
C: what?
Y: people.
C: Sam Kat
S: yo!

You signal them over to the people recording you guys and they both get up.

K: oh. Let's get your hot chocolates then give the skates back
Y: k!

You guys take your skates off and put your shoes on. Your about to walk out of the door when this girl walks up to Colby.

?: Colby!

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