Chapter 3 setting into the hotel

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Time - 4am
Place - hotel
People - Colby

Y: Colby I seriously can't sleep
C: I'm right here next to you tho
Y: no like I'm exited!
C: for what?
Y: idk anything!
C; your energy boosts are cute
Y: really? Thank you! Now. Do you have hot chocolate? NERD ROPES
C: duh! What's a house without any of those?
Y: exactly!

You run over to the kitchen and start looking through every drawer you can find

C: you like Swiss miss hot chocolate right?
C: shh! Kat and Sam are sleeping!
Y: they are awake. Go up to their door and you will hear mwah mwah mwah.
C: wait actually?
Y: yeah cmon

You both go up to their room and you listen In

C: oh my god-
Y: ikr? Haha
K: guys go away leave us alone
Y: sorry-
S: you guys go do something.
C: like what?
S: like what Me and Kat are- ow!
K: just have fun
Y: ok-

You run back to the couch and lay down.

Y: ugh
C: what now
Y: I'm so tired but every time I close my eyes I get like woo! Let's go do something
C: that makes sense, I will get you the need rope
Y: AH YES! Wait
C: yeah?
Y: I don't have uh. Clothes-
C: oh Dw I brought extra
Y: thanks. Kat should let me wear any of her expensive stuff haha
C: she doesn't even let anyone but her, herself, and-
C: wha-

You and Colby run over to clean it up

K: stop shouting!
K: no! It's 4am! Go to sleep
Y: ugh. Let's leave her to clean this up tmrw!
C: it's fine I'll just get it
Y: if your staying I'm staying

You both continue to clean the water in silence and then you go upstairs

Y: there's only one more room
C: I am staying with you cause you need sleep
Y: I don't wanna sleep
C: cmon

He picks you up then takes you to the bed and lays you down

C: I will get you some clothes
Y: k
C: does this work?

He was holding up a white hoodie that looks soft inside

Y: yes

He walks over to you and lays it down I front of you

C: I'll let you change
Y: ok, idc what you see or do
C: alright I have to use the bathroom anyways
Y: kk!

You take your shirt off then you put his hoodie on.

It smells like his cologne.

C: alright I'm back
Y: k! Wait, you wear jeans to bed?
C: I wear anything to bed.
Y: don't you have sweatpants?
C: yeah-
Y: put them on! I want you to be comfortable
C: ugh fine

He gets back up then takes out a purple and black tie dye pair of sweatpants. Then, he takes out a black tank top

He takes his shirt off in front of you without realizing. Your jaw drops as you gaze his way. He puts the black tank top on the tries to un button his jeans.

C: shit.
Y: what?
C: I can't-

You realize what he's trying to do and your face freezes

Y: so you want me to help-
C: would you?
Y: yeah

You walk over to him in his white hoodie with your hair up and you get on your knees. This doesn't look wrong at all.

You look up at Colby to make sure it's ok and he looks away while blushing. You try to un button his jeans but you also can't. You pushing against them, away, everything. You look up to Colby and he's biting his lower lip and his hand on his face.

Y: shit am I going to rough-
C: a little.
Y: I'm sorry. I'll try-
S: you guys aren't asleep yet?- WHAT THE HELL
C: fuck! Sam that's not-
Y: Sam! Don't you dare get Kat. I'm trying to unbutton his jeans but they won't budge.
S: sure.
Y: oh my god!

You try to unbutton them again and then you finally get them. You manage to unzip them too then you stand up.

Y: see?
S: mhm sure.

Sam walks out and you apologize to Colby non stop

C: y/n, it's fine! I don't care what he thinks. I know you were just trying to help me out
Y: yeah. Haha we should probably try to get some sleep now.

Colby slide off his jeans then puts on his purple and black tie dye sweats and gets into bed with you.

C: goodnight y/n.
Y: night Colby!

Sorry this was a short chapter!

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