Chapter 19. Opening up to mom.

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Place - Colby's room
People - Colby
Time - 10:52am

K: Y/n!!
Y: ah hi!
K: aunties coming over rn!
Y: wait my mom!?
Y: holy shit.

You get out of Colby's arms and off the bed to walk over to Kat.

K: y/n..
Y: what!
K: you have 1, 2, 3 hickeys..
Y: ...

You freeze and the color drains from your face.

Y: what-

You turn to colby and see him laying on his back on his phone.

Y: colby!
C: what?
Y: I said anywhere below neck!
C: what was I going to do? You had just moved on top of-
Y: ok it's fine. I hope my foundation works or I am dead. meat.
K: I'll be next to you the whole way.
Y: good, colby we have to get ready
C: does black jeans and a white button up work?
Y: basic, but it should.
C: well if I dress how I usually do she won't like it
Y: true. Borrow some of sams clothes?
K: I'll style him!
C: wait what
K; cmon Colby!

You see Kat drag him into sams room. He turns back to you fake crying.

Y: stop being a baby
C: I don't like this-

He is cut off by Kat closing the door and you start laughing. You head to your room and try to cover up the hickeys. Lucky, the makeup did help. You chose to wear Colby's always tired hoodie with some black leggings and one of his cross necklaces.

You put your hair up in a high bun and go to Colby's room and take his clear screen glasses.

Y: these are so cute!

You say to yourself. You walk over to sams room and you hear Colby yelling.

C: no way I'm wearing that
K: cmon you'd look so good!
C: I'll wear the jeans, belt, and which shirt. Uhhmm

You walk in and see Kat struggling to put a shirt on Colby.

Y: your a mess.

You and Kat start laughing and he gives a blank look.

C: y/n what do you think.
Y: think uhh non of these shirts look good on Colby. Maybe the white button up?
K: so light blue skinny jeans, black belt? And white button up?
C: are those my glasses? And my necklace?!
Y: they are cute
C: did you just call my stuff cute
Y: obviously

You start laughing and you see him smile and put his hands over his face.

Y: come on Colby hurry up! We don't have all day!
C: alright fine!

Kat walks out of the room and you follow her. But before you put out she waves to you and closes the door.

Y: Kat!
K: I'll go get the door!

You get no response and you turn back to Colby.

C: I can button my shirt
Y: actually?
C: yeah.

You start laughing at him and you button his shirt. You give him a quick kiss and you hand him the pants and belt.

C: alr I got this part
Y: mhm sure.

You go back to the door to try to open it and ur finally does.

K: hi auntie!

You hear Kat yell. You hear your moms voice from downstairs and you turn to Colby.

Y: Colby I need to go act like a-
C: like a good boy?

He bursts out laughing and so do you.

Y: yeah, kind of.

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