Chapter 8 big surprise

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Place - car
People- Colby
Time - after 12pm

C: you exited?
Y: I'm a little nervous tbh
C: what why?
Y: cause idk what's going on rn
C: true. we are almost there!
Y: mk!

There -

Y: Oh! It's a park! It's so pretty.

(Btw guys it's fall so the leaves are pretty)

he takes you over to a bridge over a lake and holds your hand the whole way.

Y: it's so pretty here!
C: Kat told me you love the fall, and bridges over lakes haha. So I thought this would be perfect.
Y: oh that's sweet haha. What's the occasion?

C: look y/n.

He says.

C: I know we've only known each other for a few weeks, but I feel things for you.
He pauses and looks at you.

C: That I feel for nobody else. You always make me smile, look after myself, be more active, definitely feel more loved. Not like I'm not, it's just you specifically make me special.

You have a smile on your face and your heart sinks within every word. This moment is so beautiful for you. You are treasuring it hoping it will last forever.

C: so the reason I brought you out here with me today is because..

You see that he is hesitant about what he wants to say. You rub his arm ti let him know it is ok cause you don't want to interrupt him.

C: I like you. A lot. And now thinking of it I know why. So.. y/n. Will you be my gf?..

You pause because you feel if you speak you will start crying. You shake your head up and down constantly for a yes.

You do end up start crying and you manage to say yes. Colby hugs you tight and doesn't let go. You manage to kiss him while in tears. He doesn't care and wipes them. He holds your cheek and kisses you again. You wrap your hand around his neck as he holds your face.

Y: wait Colby were in public. Someone could be seeing this.
C: I don't care. I am the happiest person alive rn.

He smiles at you and you feel happy. He holds your hand and you walk back to the car and head back home.

Y: how long have you been planning this?
C: I wanted to get to know you first. But maybe the other day
Y: hah k. Now I have to introduce you to my mom, dad, brothers-
C: brothers-
Y: yep!
C: mk. But we should tell Sam and Kat that we aren't dating.
Y; yeah that's true. Idk how they would feel, and I don't know who they might tell
C: ok happy we are on the same page. Just so rumors don't get speed about us online if someone catches us in a date or kissing at a hotel again.
Y: haha ok.

You get back home and you run over to Kat

Y: Kat!
K: oh heyy!
Y: me and Colby have something to tell you
K: oooo
C: it's not like that tho.

You and Colby put in your fake faces and Continue.

Y: me and Colby aren't dating, we don't really like each other. We just wanted you and Sam to think we got along..
C: sorry for lying to you Kat.
K: oh, that ok I guess. I dint really care to be honest. If you two don't like each other that's ok! I'll go tell Sam for you!
C: thanks Kat.
Y: also remember when you and Sam though we actually had um..
K: oh, yeah
C: we didn't. It was a joke
Y: we should have gotten it on video ugh
C: why didn't you think of it?
Y: excuse me-
K: ok so ig you guys really don't like each other. I'll go tell Sam now.

You run up the stairs with Colby. He beats you and when you enter the room he is already standing in front of the mirror shirtless holding up 2 shirts trying to find which one to wear.

C: which one looks better?
Y: depends.
C: cause I completely blanked.
Y: on what?
C: me and Sam have to go to something.
Y: like?
C: a meet and greet
Y: like you have to take pictures with people and sign?
C: yup
Y: oh well uhh right one with uhmmm these pair of jeans!
C: what about jewelry
Y: right! Lemme grab some things from the bathroom

You rub the the bathroom and silently scream because he is so fine. You grab some rings, and then you find some earrings and nose rings. You go to your room to get a necklace for him then sneak back to your room.

Y: here
C: oo these are Sweet! I Like this outfit.
Y: ik im the best. Gtg now before Kat or Sam sees me in here.

You give him a kiss then leave to go to your room.

You change into one of those leather shirt skirts with good and tights and a button up white t-shirt.

S: alrighty guys ready?
Y: yep
C: let's go
K: ahh y/n wait up!

You all get in the car. Sam sits in front of you cause he's driving, Kat is in the passenger and Colby is behind her. He keeps kicking her seat and thinking it's funny. You are trying so hard not to laugh but instead you just text Colby.

C: what-
S: Haha guys stop im driving!
Y: sam your like about to start crying-
S: cause this is so funny for no reason at all

Colby ❤️

Y: hi
C: heyy
Y: I wish we didn't say any of those things to Kat cause I would be like moving into your room and stuff
C: I know. But I think it's for the best until we are both ready.
Y: that makes sense. Miss u

You look over to Colby and he's making a pouty face

C: aww so she does have feelings
Y: what's that supposed to mean
C: nothinggg
Y: mk.

You shut your phone off and so does he.

S: alrighty guys we are here!
Y: woah that's a big building
K: ok this isn't my first time here. I'll show you where we sit when they are doing all the talking. Well, we sit on the side of the stage while each person comes up and gets their pictures taken with Sam and Colby, and then Sam and Colby talk about how they got here.
Y: ok

Kat takes your hand and you Sam Kat and Colby all go inside. You look over to Colby and see that he is skipping around.

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