Chapter 66. Valentines Day

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Time - 10:42am
Place - Colby's room
People - you and Colby

(Heads up guys, this is gunna be a long one. over 5000 words😭)

You wake up to feeling Colbys kiss on your cheek and his hands on your waist.

Y: morning baby
C: morning love

You turn over to him and smile.

C: Wanna get breakfast?
Y: yeah I'm starving

You sit at the edge of the bed and wait for Colby to come around and help you. You hold onto him and you let out a sigh as you stand up up.

Y: ow
C: oh shit
Y: what
C: nvm it's fine.
Y: ik it's bad
C: yeah

You get used to the pain and slowly make your way downstairs and see Sam and kat sitting at the table eating cereal.

K: morning love birds
S: it's Valentine's Day today, not last night
Y: told you

Colby shrugs and you sit down. He gets you a bowl and then he gives you the cereal then gets himself some.

K: you ok?
Y: me?
K: yeah you look off
Y: in pain, lack of sleep, yeah
K: I can tell. Keep it down next time please I beg you. Sam was holding me back from knocking on your door

Colby sits down and with a mouth full of cereal and responds.

C: thank god you didn't

You smile and continue eating while Sam and kat look at each-other confused

S: I'm not even-
K: what new happened
C: how-
K: girls just know Colby
Y: yeah.
C: Mk should I stay or-

You place your hand on Colby's lap gesturing him to stay. You look at kat and she continues

K: what happened? What made it like that I've never heard it like that
Y; ok so you guys just listen to us? Not music or anything
S: no, we make jokes ab it and mock you
C: why doesn't that surprise me
K: stop dodging my question
Y: ok, Sam remember when the guys were going through Colby room and they found something in the top drawer
S: oh the cuffs? He actually used them on you? are you ok
Y: ye-
K: what. Colby I didn't think you actually used those
C: I should use them more often

You kick him under the table and kat intensely looks at you.

K: just the cuffs
Y: are we really talking ab me and Colby's sex life rn while eating breakfast
K: yes now answer
C: blindfold?
S: damn. Something's seriously wrong with you two
C: makes it more fun
K: easy for you to say
S: she couldn't see anything
C: but she could still hear and feel
S: he has a point
K: holy shit y/n
Y: what

You say with your eyes wide look at Sam who's about to burst laughing.

K: have you looked in a mirror
Y: no-
S: here

Sam holds his phone up to you on the camera app and you see all the hickeys on your neck.

C: ..

Colby softly laughs.

C: I'm actually surprised on how that happened it wasn't much of a make out one
S: more action?
C: I guess you could say that

Sam gives Colby a high five and you and kat roll your eyes.

K: we could hear the bed all night, do it somewhere else next time please we just want sleep. Maybe put pillows behind the bed frame
Y: where
K: idk not here. But your telling me every detail of last night k?
Y: ok..
S: same
C: I'll do it when everyone's done eating
Y: help me upstairs first
K: I will and you'll tell me there
Y: k

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