Chapter 15. Mom visits!

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Place - house
People - Kat, mom, Colby, Sam
Time - 2:54pm

Doorbell rings -

K: y/n can you get that? I'm still making the food
Y: yep ofc!

You run over to the door and see it's your mom! You open the door and give her a big hug.

Y: ok so mom. I never dated. Please never bring that day up. We were a little on the drunk side.
M: ok good. That boy isn't for you. He never will be. I would expect more from you if you date him tho

Those words hurt. But you just laughed it off and then you go upstairs into Colby's room to see he is editing the Lizzie Borden house video.

You run into the room close the door behind you, and go into his arms.

C: woah what's wrong?

He says wrapping his arms around you. You look up at him and he can tell something is up.

Y: I just wish my mom understood me and wasn't so judgmental.
C: yeah. Most people think that, and that ok. She loves you tho. No matter if you think she doesn't
Y: I don't know she's giving mixed signals ever since the call.
C: oh yeah did you tell her we're "aren't" dating?
Y: yeah. This is what she said. Ok good, that boy isn't for you. He will never be. I would expect more from you if you started to date him.
C: ouch. That sucks love. But it's going to work out in the end. It always does, ok? Don't let her take down your confidence

He lifts your chin up and kisses you.

K: y/n come here!!!
Y: coming!

You give Colby one final kiss and you run down the stairs into the kitchen

K: ok can you set the table?
Y: yep!
C: Sam!
S: yeah?!
C: come help me with this!!
M: who's that
K: oh that's Colby! Sams best friend
M: he lives here too?.
Y: mom me and Colby aren't fighting that much anymore.
M: that's not what I'm concerned about. Kat, keep those two apart. I called her once-
Y: mom I said we were drunk! Stop bringing up the call!
M: that boy is no good for you!
K: what is she talking ab y/n?
Y: idk! Me and Colby have never been.. touchy. Other then hitting him when he wouldn't give me my blanket back
K: they fight over the smallest things auntie. I'm sure they didn't.
M: ok.

She gives you a side look and sets the table for you. You shrug and your going to help Kat when Colby shouts for you.

C: y/n!
Y: what now?!

You say In an annoyed tone.
C: jeez what's with the attitude!
Y: what do you want Colby
C: can you help me and Sam with something?!
Y: ask Kat!
K: hey I'm cooking over here. Just go with them
Y: ugh.

You stomp up the stairs and burst into Colby's room.

Y: what do you want?
C: can you help me and Sam with the video?
S: we can't find the right things to add in here.
Y: ugh fine. I was just going to help Kat cook but that's ok.
S: hang on i have to use the bathroom

Sam leaves the room and you go into Colby's arms

Y: I'm so sorry I hate snapping at you
C: hey it's fine! I understand it's because your moms here.

You smile and kiss him. You look at him in the eye and you two kiss again, this time rougher. He cups your face and you hold his other. You smile into the kiss then you hear Sam coming back. You quickly pull back and you pick something for the video.

S: back. Ok did you pick something y/n?
Y: yup
S: where- oh! How DIDNT I think of that
C: cause your dumb

Sam holds his hand up like he was going to hit him. Colby gets up and starts running and yelling

Y: Colby you don't have a shirt on!-

Sam chases Colby around the whole house and then colby runs behind Kat and uses her as a shield with you close behind

Y: you guys are acting like idiots!

M: oh my-
C: oh I forgot you were here-
M: you.
C: hi y/n's mom, I don't believe we've met
Y: colby go put a shirt on
C: why? It's hot

He says walking up to you laughing. You look up at him so tempted to kiss him but you don't. Instead, you grab him by the shoulders.

Y: please, go put a shirt on

You say laughing. He sticks his tongue out at you and smiles.

C: okay, if you say so

Him saying that in front of everyone makes you pause.

Y: ok

You both laugh and he goes up to his room to change.

S: wait y/n
Y: yeah?
S: who's shirt is that?

You look over to your mom panicked and you make an excuse.

Y: oh I got it the other day
S: it smells like cologne.

You look over to you mom and she doesn't look that happy.

Y: what? You mean my perfume-
S: no. It's smells like Colby's-

Your mom is walking up to you and you turn around.

Y: Colby!
C: what!
Y: did you put your cologne on my shirt?!!
C: it looks like one of mine and it was in my laundry sorry!
Y: ugh.
M: I know what you two are up to. You are so bad at hiding things.
Y: what-
M: I know you like Colby, and I know he likes you too. Now stop liking him.
Y: mom I don't-
M: you do tho.
Y: why won't you listen to me!? For once in your life head me out!

You yell getting carried away

M: it's time to eat.

She walks away acting like you didn't just yell. You go up to Colby's room and see him twirling

Y: what are you-
C: uh I-

You both burst out laughing and then you tell him that you are going to eat now. He follows you down the stairs into the dining room and you all sit. You sit one side of the table, and Colby sits the other.

K: y/n I hope you like lasagna
Y: since when do you know how to make that?
K: doesn't matter. Dig in!

You all get some lasagna and start eating. You look over to Colby who is drinking white claw.

Y: woah when did we get more?
K: I got some yesterday
C; thank god you did, I can't survive without it.
M: it's alcohol!
Y: also Colby's only true love.
S: it's true
K: kinda sad tbh. You can do better Colby

He shrugs and looks at you.

C: way better.

You look down and smile and see that Colby takes another sip then stands up to throw the can in the recycling bin. He walks behind you and your eyes follow him since there is nothing better to do.

After eating -

You walk your mom to the door and she apologizes.

M: look. I'm sorry I haven't been hearing you out resonantly. I'm just trying to look out for you.
Y: mom I can do that on my own. Plus, I have Kat here with and for me.
M: ok I'm trusting you.

Hearing her say that makes your heart warm.

M; thank you for the late lunch.
Y: your welcome. All credits to Kat for making it.

You smile and hug her goodbye.

You head back up to your room and you take a nap.

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