Chapter 51. Date night

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Place - Fleming's Prime Steakhouse & Wine Bar
Time - 6:30
People - you and Colby

You and Colby are sitting in the waiting room and waiting for your table number to be called. You are wearing a shiny black dress with a black hang bag, and long matte leather jacket, and your hair is curled and down with a silver necklace. Colby is wearing black skinny jeans (cause he doesn't have anything fancy lmao) and a hite button up long sleeve with a black tie, and black shoes.

 Colby is wearing black skinny jeans (cause he doesn't have anything fancy lmao) and a hite button up long sleeve with a black tie, and black shoes

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^^ Your dress ^^

Y: I'm starving
C: same here. Isn't it nice in here? There's a nice city view and we're by the window
Y: ooo fancy!

You both smile and you rest your head on his shoulder. He wraps his arms around you and pulls you closer.

Y: we need to go on more date nights
C: ik. I'll plan some things

You smile and look up at him.

Y: thanks.

He smiles and gives you a shirt kiss on the lips. The waiter comes over and asks for your names.

C: Cole Brock
W: hi Cole, let me show you to your table

You try to hold in your laugh because your not used to people calling Colby "Cole". You both stand up and he holds your hand. You follow Colby who's following the waiter. You get over to your table and Colby pulls the seat out for you and smiles.

Y: why thank you.
C: of course

He kisses you and then pushes your chair in. He sits down and the waiter gives you the menus.

W: my name is Rosa and I'll be serving you today. If there's a problem with anything please call me over
C: will do, thanks

Rosa leaves and you both start looking at the menu. You look at the specials and you see chicken Alfredo?

Y: they have chick Alfredo at a steakhouse?
C: surprise

You both laugh and share what your getting with each other.

C: I'm thinking of the steak, medium rare and a beer. You?
Y: chicken Alfredo with some white wine
C: fancy

You smile and look out the window. The floor was a nice and shiny wooden floor, with a glass wall showing the whole city. There was a white cloth over the table and the water was in wine glasses. There were a bowl of rose peddles with a candle in The middle, and you look over to Colby.

Y: it's so nice here.
C: smells good too
Y: I know right?

Rosa walks over and asks if you were ready to order.

C: ladies first

You smile and start talking.

Y: hi! Can I have the chicken Alfredo and a white wine please?
R: of course! Anything else for you?
Y: that's it!
R: Cole?
C; I'll have medium rare steak with a beer please
R; coming right up!

Rosa walks away and you look over to Colby.

C: yes?
Y: I can't wait for key west tmrw
C: same here! It's so pretty there
Y: I know! What should we do first?
C: so we'll be there for a few days. Maybe the first day is a get to know the island?
Y; I like that, then we could go to the beach after?

You smile and Colby does too.

C: sure, if it's nice out. It might be a little rainy tho
Y; idc

You softly laugh and you get your drinks.

R: dinner will be served shortly
Y: ok thank you!!

You take a sip of your wine and Colby takes a sip of his beer. You smile and he takes your hand from across the table and you both scoot your chairs closer.

C: when we're in key west Sam and Nate will go shopping.
Y: I'm listening
C: what if. What if..
Y: what if what?
C: we would have the room all to ourselves

You catch on to what he was saying and you laugh.

Y; are you planning when we have sex?

You both laugh and he shrugs while smiling.

C: possibly

He leans back into his chair and tilts his head back and lets out a sigh.

C: sooo hungry
Y: same. When our food gunna be here?
C: I wish I knew.

You guys wait for another few minutes and Rosa comes over.

R: sh sorry for the wait guys, busy night.
Y: your good! Thank you!

She gives you your foods and your mouth waters when you smell your favorite food.

C: this looks delicious
Y: haha delicious, that's a long word for you
C: trying something knew. Cheers

You clank your glasses together and start eating.

Y: oh my god

You say covering your mouth. You point to your dish and nod.

Y: this is bomb!
C: let me try

You put your plate over to him and he takes a bite. His eyes open and he smiles.

C: holy shit
Y: I know right?

After -

You both walk over to the car holding hands the whole way.

Y: thank you
C: of course! We need to do this more.
Y: I know! It was so fun. We should try different places every time
C: that sounds fun, I'll look into it.

You both smile as you get in the car. He puts in meddle about by chase Atlantic on the radio and he raises the volume and drives home.

Short chapter sorry

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