Chapter 33.

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Place - Colby's room
People - you
Time - 10:53am

You wake up in Colby's sweater alone in his bed. You sit up and sit at the edge of his bed looking around his room trying to find him. You hear the shower running and you knock on the door.

Y: Colby?
S: oh, it's Sam haha
Y: oh sorry. Do you know where Colby is?
S: uhhh he was just in bed with you before you woke up.
Y: huh ok, thanks!
S: surely! Anything wrong?
Y; no
S: he might be in the kitchen?
Y: I'll check. Thanks!
S: anytime! Cya

You walk out of his room and down the stairs to the kitchen. You don't see him there and then you look for Kat.

Y: Kat!
K: hey! What's up?
Y: do you know where Colby is
K: uhmm oh he's in sams shower cause sams in his.
Y: why did they switch?
K: because I was using sams, then Sam wanted to shower so he used Colby.
Y: why didn't he go with you- nvm.
K: because of my long ass shower routine!
Y: haha, thanks Kat!

You run up the stairs and hear sams Shower running. You knock on the door three times to see if Colby answers.

C: yo!
Y: oh hi
C: well hello
Y: can I come in?
C: sure! I'm almost done anyways.
Y: k.
C: is something up?
Y: no

He opens the curtains a bit so he can see you.

Y: I mean it!
C: mhm. I know what your thinking and you can.
Y: sweet!

You hop in the shower with him and look around.

Y: his shower is different then yours
C: I know, it's super bright
Y: yeah. I was wondering if we all could go to the mall today? Like me you Sam and Kat?
C: yeah but we might need to wear hats or something.
Y: Colby some people memorize what rings goes on your left hand the most.
C: true. Ok I'm fine with that, only if they want to
Y: ok!

You smiles and he smiles back.

Y: are you ok?
C: I just can't get enough sleep.
Y: oh. Is because of me?
C: no of course not. I just can't sleep, meds don't help.
Y: sorry.

You look down. He lifts your head back up and looks you in the eye.

C: don't say sorry when it's not your fault, which is nothing. Ok?
Y: ok.

He gives you a soft kiss and turns the shower off. You both get out of the shower and dry off.

C: yo Sam!!
S: sup!
C: do you and Kat wanna go to the mall in a few?!
S: the fuck what that!

You laugh because Colby's voice cracked and he laughs too.

C: I just went back to teen years holy shit-
S: but yeah!
C: alright!

You look over to Colby and see him with the towel wrapped around his waist slowly sliding down, with him drying his hair.

C: like what you see?

He laughs. You look back to his eyes and nod.

Y: yes actually, I do. Nice tattoo
C: wowww
Y: what did you think I was looking at?
C: eh, Idk. My abs?
Y: I mean that too-
S: you guys are literally in my room. I hear you-

You and Colby laugh and walk out and go to your room to get find something for you to wear.

Y: woah my stuff is packed? Who did this
C: there's a note. Hi hun, it's your mom. I knew you would forget to pack your stuff so j did it for you. I mean that's nice right-
Y: when am I leaving?!

You look for your phone and call her. She answers and her first words are I see you've found my note.

Y: when are we leaving?!
M: the plane was moved to a sooner time.
Y: answer my question.
C: y/n.

You look over to him and he sits next to you and holds your hand. You take a deep breath and sigh.

Y: please mom.
M: I told you yesterday, 2 days.
Y: you told me to pack in 2 days!

You fall into Colby letting your mom see him in the call.

M: no shirt again. He needs a shirt y/n!
Y: we just got out of the shower! Give him a break.
M: sorry we?
Y: I'm 23! He's 25! Give us a break. Your acting like you've never-
M: he's 25?!!
Y: mom are you serious?!

You laugh and you mute.

Y: I wonder if I should tell her your birthdays next month
C: she'd be pissed
M: I can't hear you

You unmute and can't stop laughing.

M: what's so funny.
C: I'm basically 26 but you know it's fine right?
M: please tell me your joking
C: nope, born January 2nd 1997.
M: sweet god. Ok y/n, leaving tomorrow I'll pick you up.

Your smile fades again.

Y: no you won't, Sam Kat and Colby will
M: no they won't y/n
Y: mom! Your taking me away from new friends, and a lover. Your acting like I'm not supposed to be mad?
M: I never said that
Y: I said your acting like it. And they are bringing me
M: fine.

She hangs up on your and you put your hands over your face.

Y: she said a fucking week
C: I know.

Colby rubs your back and you fall into him.

C: I'll still visit you
Y: you spend to much money on your videos and other trevel
C: I'll find time then
Y: Colby no-
C: I said I will find time.

You look over to him and he hugs you. Not just a normal hug, a long one. That hug that feel and looks good. You smile and give him a soft kiss.

C: I'll visit on holidays dw my love
Y: ok, and I'll get the matching pjs and fluffy blankets
C: and I'll get the snacks

He gives you and kiss and hugs you.

C; alright. Let's get you changed for the mall. I have a pair of your leggings in my room and you can borrow my shirt to keep
Y: yes!

You run into his room letting him Chase after you.

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