Chapter 39. New years eve eve

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Place - your new bedroom
Time - 11:03am
People - you

You wake up and get out of bed.

Y: Colby?

You call not remembering you moved.

Y: Colby!

Still no response.

Y: Sam where's Colby?

You yell while walking out of your room.

N: y/n are you ok?
Y: wait what- oh yeah. Sorry I forgot
N: your ok! We have a lot to do today, bunch of shopping
Y: oh sweet, for what?
N: it's New Year's Eve eve, just getting ready for fun and partying.
Y: ok cool! I'll go get dressed
N: k! It will be just us
Y: alright!

You get changed into jeans, sneakers, a white cropped t-shirt and colbys xplr crew neck sweater.

You walk out of your room to go get Niki and get in the car.

N: what station do you wanna listen too?
Y: hmmm kiss 108!
N: nice pick!

You guys drive to the mall and go to Kohles to find some decorations. You both get out of the car and you walk in and you find new years streamers and you put them in the cart. You find white and yellow balloons and you also get those.

You remember what you said to Colby about getting the matching pjs and you find the perfect pair for the season.

N: you can get Them
Y: how did-
N: it says it all over your face. Go!

You smile and you go over to the pjs. They have snowflakes and snowmen on them, and they have hoods!

Y: oh my god these are so soft.
N: there's ones with champagne on them!!

You get both of the sets and you continue getting new years stuff.

N: alright let's go to total wine to get some liquor
Y: k!

You guys go to total wine and you get a bunch of white claw for you and Colby while Niki gets champagne and other things.

N: someone likes white claw
Y: Colby loves it
N: I See. Ok let's check out!
Y: wait do we have confetti?
N: no we don't ! Good call

You run over to get some confetti while Niki waits in line. You go over and see a girl wearing xplr merch and you smile.

You pass the girl to get the confetti and she sees you.

?: y/n?!

You turn around and you see she's smiling and kind of jumping.

Y: oh hi!

You smile and she asks if she can hug you.

Y: of course! Come here!
?: thank you!

You give her a long hug and she asks for a picture. You say yes and you do Colby's pose and you give her one last hug.

?: I thought you guys lived in LA?
Y: ok please don't tell anyone. I moved back home for the holidays, I'll be back with Sam Kat and Colby soon.
?: ok! Happy new years, thank you so much!!
Y: of course! Happy new years!

You run back over to Niki and see she was holding up the line.

Y: sorry! fan came up to me.
N: I'm sorry, Fan?!
Y: yeah
N: what do you mean!

She's checking out when you answer.

Y: Sam and Colby are kinda famous.
N: no way really? How!
Y: they almost have 10mil subscribers-
N: 10?!!
Y: mhm!
N: holy Jesus.

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