Chapter 25. Meet and greet.

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Time - 6am
People - you and Colby
Place - his bedroom

Colby shuts his timer off and sees you are not awake. He gets changed slowly and puts some of your clothes on the bed so once you get up you can change.

He slowly wakes you up, and then you say good morning.

C: good morning

He says smiling.

Y: are we doing anything today? It's a Saturday
C: yes we are.
Y: what are we doing?
C: a meet and greet but people just ask questions and take pictures-
Y: I went to your last one
C: oh yeah
Y: stupid

You laugh at him and thank him for getting your clothes ready and then you go into his bathroom to get changed.

You left some of your perfume and mascara on there last time so that's all you put on. You spot some chapstick and you ask to borrow it.

C: use it in the car! It's a 3 hour drive
Y: oh really
C: yeah
Y: ok let's go

You walk downstairs and find Kat and Sam sitting on the couch watching tv.

S: you guys ready?
Y: yep! Let's go
S: I'll drive
K: thank god I need sleep
C: same here
Y: and here

In the car -

Y: goodnight guys
C: night

You start laughing and Colby wraps his arm around you and you close your eyes. Just to rest them, you aren't actually going to fall asleep it's 6:43am and you've been awake for over half a hour.

S: could you two be any cuter?
K: I know right? I'm totally taking pictures

You softly smile and turn your head to face him with your face relaxed and eyes still closed.

C: guys be quiet
S: take pictures quick
K: ok!

Colby moves his head to yours and pulls you closer.

C: I know your awake

You smile and look at him.

Y: how?
C: I just do

He gives you a quick kiss and you scoot closer to him and he places his hand on your inner thigh and rubs it.

You softly smile at him and kiss him.

K: cutest pic!
Y: wait what
K: can I post this on my insta?
Y: wha-
K: too late

Kat turns around and you turn on your phone. You quickly go onto her instagram account and you see 100 people have already seen it.

Y: oh no
K: what?

You read the comments out loud.

Y: why are his hands right there with a smirking face emoji. They look like they want something! I think we know what they are thinking about. I am totally asking them about this at the meet and greet. Cmon guys they are dating your acting surprised..

You put the phone down and cover your face with your hands.

K: I'll delete it y/n-
Y: it's too late.
C: people probably already screenshoted it.
S: guys what's the picture?
K: here.
S: oh. It's not that bad-
C: Sam
Y: we will just have to talk about it.
K: I'm sorry guys-
C: it's fine, they are going to have to get used to it.
Y; mhm

You nod your head and smile. You all get out of the car and you move your hair to the front and Colby fixes his jacket.

Y: your going to take it off inside!
C: I know
Y: so then-

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