Chapter 17. Party!

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Time - 12:42am
People - you
Place - your bedroom

Y/n's pov -

Ugh I can't fall asleep. I wonder if they have any melatonin.

You walk over to the kats door and knock on it.

Y: kat

You say in a low voice while rubbing your eye.

K: yeah?
Y: do you have any melatonin? I can't sleep
K: uhh I think Colby has some.
Y: alr, night
K: night

You close the door behind you and walk over to Colby's room and you open the door. He has the red led setting on and he's sleeping on his side hugging a pillow.

You take your phone out and take a picture and set it as your Home Screen. Not your Lock Screen. You smile and walk over to him bathroom and start going through the drawers.

Y: is that a- nvm.

You say under your breath. You finally find the melatonin and you take 2 of them. You walk over to his drawers to take a hoodie and you see one he was wearing earlier.

You put it on and it smells like him. You go over to him on the bed and lay down on your side next to him facing him. You smile and take off his glasses.

You move the glasses and put it on his nightstand which woke him up, but you didn't know it.

You turn back to him and admire him.

Y: your so cute when your sleeping.
C: I know

He says smiling. Your eyes widen and you laugh.

Y: how long have you been awake?
C: eh a few seconds
Y: ok.
C: is that my hoodie?
Y: maybe

You smirk and he moves the pillow out from his arms and brings you close. He kisses you quickly on the lips and pulls back.

C: we both know that melatonin won't work.
Y: worth a shot
C: just sleep in here with me.

You can resist so your nod yes. He spoons you and you drift off to sleep.

In the morning -

You wake up to hearing something crash downstairs.

S: shit!

You turn to Colby and he's just as confused as you are. You both get up and exit Colby's room to see what's going on downstairs.

C: yo Sam you good?
S: I just dropped a plate!
C: What did you need a plate for?
S: I was seeing if i could cook something and it will taste good
C: why?
S: cause Seth, Nate, kris, and stas are coming over tonight
C: wait actually
S: yeah!
Y: stas?
K: you met her before I think.
Y: maybe. I'm not sure
S: it's fine, I'm sure you'll like her.
Y: ok!

When they are on their way over -

Y: Colby!
C: what!
Y: come here
C: bet

He walks in and sees you getting ready.

C: what's up?
Y: alright. Thoughts?

You hold up a plain black dress that ends at your upper right and has no straps over your shoulders.

C: woah uh yeah-
Y: I'll be wearing a jacket over it
C: ok yeah haha.
Y: should I wear-
C: idc what you wear. I'm sure nobody does, you'll look fine either way.

You smile and look over to your eyeliner.

Y: eyeliner?
C: yesss

He says holding his right hand over his heart and acting like he was going to fall over. You start laughing and you start changing.

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