Chapter 41. New Year's Eve!

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Time - 4:37pm
People - you and Colby
Place - your bedroom

(Heads up guys, this is going to be long.)

You wake up to still laying on Colby's chest, and his arms around you.

C: how was your nap?
Y: awesome. Did you take one?
C: nah I wasn't tired.
Y: ok.

He gives you a soft kiss then you both sit up.

C: I know the theme for the party tonight
Y: oh really? Who told you
C: Niki, she came in earlier while you were sleeping and told me
Y: ok! I'm wearing gold on gold and white on bottom.
C: I'll do that too then.

You softly laugh and give him another kiss. He runs his finger through your hair and smiles into the kiss.

M: y/n!! Why is Alex-
A: no! I'm not. I was playing!
M: you don't look it!

You roll your eyes and he pulls you back onto him and kisses you again. You smile into the kiss while he rests his hands on your hips then your mom walks in.

M: oh!

You quickly get off of Colby and stand up.

Y: knocking would be nice.
M: someone telling me what happened would be nice! Why was Alex out for 3 hours then came back horrified?

You turn to Colby and he's laughing.

C: sorry go on.
M: what's so funny
Y: Alex was being an ass and Colby wasn't having it. Let's just say that
M: what did you do?!
C: me? You know scared him a bit.
Y: he was asking me for help.
M; did you put your hands on-
C: he was getting too close to y/n, I was protecting her. Your welcome for keeping you daughter safe.
M: mhm.

Your mom rolls her eyes and walks out.

Y: she can have good days and bad, I think it's cause Alex is here.
C: yeah maybe. Come back over here

Colby's sitting on the edge of the bed and your standing in the doorway. You close the door and go over to him. He stands up and gives you a hug.

C: we should go see Kat and Sam now
Y: ok! Can they come over here? I really want to help decorate
C: yeah sure I'll ask them!
Y: thank you

You give him a soft kiss and take out your outfit for tonight. Colby's face is an awe and you laugh.

Y: what?
C: you are gunna look so pretty in that
Y: aww thank you
C: of course.

His phone starts buzzing and he checks it.

C: hey dude!
S: yo! When are you gunna be back?
C; we were just heading over to the hotel
S: sweet ok!
S: duty calls. Cya!
C: byee!

Colby hangs up and you start laughing.

C: what's so funny?
Y: "byee!"

You say mocking him. He rolls his eyes and smiles. You change into a white hoodie and skinny ripped jeans and Colby is on his phone.

Y: alright, ready?
C: yup

Colby stands up and goes over to you. You look and his lips and he smiles. He places his hands on your hips and pulls you close. You look him in the eye and he smiles.

You pull him in by the collar of his shirt and kiss him. You hold the kiss you you tilt your head to the side as he moves his hands to your lower back.

N: y/n quick question-

Your door opens and you see Niki in the doorway. You step away from Colby and she laughs.

N: sorry guys, y/n who else is coming to the party tn?
Y: Sam and Kat
N: anyone else?
C: Seth was wondering if he could come
Y: sure! Is that ok Niki?
N: of course! One of Alex's friends are coming over too. I think his name is Jake, I think he's your age Colby
C: shit, is he friends with someone named Corey?
N: good question, I don't know.

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