Chapter 24. Sallie house

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Place - car
Time - 8:23
People - sam Colby nate Amanda

S: alright so y/n this place is where Nate started to believe in spirits.
N: I still don't know how to explain what happened
Y: I know! I watched the video and you freaked out. Ngl I laughed at you haha
N: ouch.

Colby gives you a high five because you both are in the backseat then you lay down resting your head on his lap. Making sure you don't hit Nate with your feet.

N: awww aren't you two so cute

Colby gives him the middle finger and you laugh.

Y: thanks Nate

Amanda turns back to you and Colby from the from seat and makes an aw face.

You look but up to Colby and he smiles. You go on your phone taking pictures of the two of you until you get to the Sallie house.

You end up falling asleep on Colby before Sam parks the car and Nate looks at Colby.

N: how are you going to wake her up?
C: hang on-

Colby takes a few pictures of you then slowly wakes you up.

Y: mm?
C: we're here
Y: can you carry me
C: of course, your going to have to wake up though
Y: yeah yeah.

Colby opens the door and stands up while you crawl over to him. He picks you up and you wrap your legs around him while he has one on your back and the other one under your holding you up.

He quickly kisses you and you look at him.

Y: don't stop

You kiss him again then you lay your head on his chest.

Y: you smell good

He laughs and you all walk in the house.

N: Colby sams going to start recording in a few
C: ok! Y/n want to stay like this?
Y: I can stand
C: ok

He sets you down and you stand in front of him. He hugs you from behind and wraps his arms along your waist. You hold his arms so they stay there and he rests his head on your shoulder.

C: I have to say the intro
Y: ok

Colby stands up invent of the camera to turn it on.

C: what's up guys it's Sam and Colby!
S: and today we have 3 special quests with us!
A: Amanda
N: Nate
Y: and y/n!

Colby walks back behind you while Sam does the talking and he hugs you from behind again and looks at you. You smile at him and he looks at your lips.

Y: no

You whisper laughing. He nods and looks to Sam.

S: already! You Guy's ready? What or where should we go first
Y: her bedroom!
S: alright! Let's go guys!

You all run up rude stairs into Sallie's room and set up equipment.

N: if there is anyone here with us can you make that flashlight go on?
S: all you have to do is touch it.

You look at the door then the flashlight, then Amanda.

A: a woman just came in. Not Sallie. An older woman
Y: that's nice

The rem pod goes off downstairs making Nate and Sam jump.

Y: did you guts actually just jump?

You start laughing at them and follow them downstairs and help bring the equipment down as well.

A: someone's at the table

Everyone sits down at the table and Sam sets up the camera.

S: Sallie me and Colby bought you something.
C: we got you a cake
Y: what-
N: no are you serious? This is when the bowling ball-
S: we set Ive up at the top of the stairs again.
A: y/n.

You look over to Amanda and see she is holding her journal to toy and you read it out loud.

Y: you need to leave?
A: it wasn't a harsh voice. It was more panic
S: what's that supposed to mean?
C: something bad is about to happen?

Amanda shakes her head and you grab Colby's hand. Tot hear a lord thumb coming from upstairs like someone dropped 25 pound weight.

Y: holy shit

You quickly go over to Colby and he holds you close.

C: you're safe. Want my cross?
Y: no. We just need to stay together/
A: you need to leave

You see Amanda start walking upstairs and you want to Simple her but you feel hesitant.

Y: Amanda-
S: what is she going?
N: shit guys

Colby gives you a hug which makes you feel safe. You feel uncomfortable like someone is watching you from the kitchen and you are a shadow figure.

Y: holy fuck

You slam your body against Colby's and bury your face in Goa chest.

C: what?
Y: i just saw a shadow in the kitchen
N: no way

You bid your head at him and then Amanda comes back downstairs. You Sam Colby Amanda and Nate get in the car after packing your things and head home. In the car you climb onto Colby and you wrap type arms around him.

C: y/n-
Y: please?

He sighs and looks at you.

C: fine.

He smiles at you and then buckles the seat belt then Sam starts heading home.

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