Chapter 40. Surprise!

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Place - your bedroom
Time - 7:32am
People - you

You wake up and check your phone to see if Colby texted you and he didn't. You were a little upset, but he might not be up yet. You get up and brush your hair and out on your slippers. You smell Colby's shirt and smile.

You get up and spray some more of his cologne in your room and you take it in.

Y: I miss you.

You sigh and change into your Nike pro shirts and you walk out the door.

Y: morning Niki!

You don't get an answer and you head to the kitchen.

Y: Niki?

Still to answer. You go into the living room and your eyes widen.

Y: Colby?!
C: hi lovely

He stands up and you run over to him.

Y: oh my god!!

You jump into his arms and he holds you. You wrap your legs and arms around him and he kisses you.

C: happy New Year's Eve

He mumbles into the kiss. You both don't pull back and you both smile into the kiss.

Y: I missed you so much.

He's still holding you and he tightens his grip on you.

C: I missed you more.

You both hold eye contact and you hug him tightly.

Y: I never want to leave you again
C: Same here. Can't believe it's only been like 2 days and I've missed you this much.
Y: I'm surprised as well.

You both smile and he kisses you again. He puts you down and gives you a long hug.

C: you smell good
Y: it's you. You smell good too
C: it's you.

You both softly laugh and he places his hands on your hips. You wrap your arms around his neck and you just look at him.

You give him a soft kiss and you both don't pull back. He rests his hand in your cheek cupping your face and smiles.

He pulls you closer and you smile.

Y: now?
C: only if you want to..

You look at him and he smirks.

You show him to your room holding his hand the whole way. You close the door slightly behind you you both crawl onto the bed and he kisses your neck.

He crawls on top of you and kicks his shoes off. You softly laugh and you unbutton his shirt and slowly take it off.

He slowly lifts your shirt off of you and he kisses you on the lips. He smiles into the kiss and his hands trace your body and pulls it closer. He pulls back and licks his lips and he takes his belt off. You both sit up and you get onto his lap and kiss him.

He runs his fingers through your hair and pulls you closer. You tilt your head to the side every few seconds to roughen the kiss. He places his hands on your waist rocks you back and fourth slowly and you put your hair up in a low bun.

Y: where Sam and Kat?
C: they got a hotel

He says softly under his breath. You place your hands on his shoulders and you rock your hips and he takes deep breaths. He connects your lips again and Frenches you. You tilt your head to give him more access and he groans into the kiss.

C: do you know if anyone's home
Y: I don't know, I woke up like an hour ago.
C: ok.

He starts kissing your neck and he rocks your hips and brings you closer. You go up and down slowly to see his reaction and he lets out a breathy groan in your ear. You softly laugh and you bring his lips to yours.

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