Chapter 11. Lizzie Borden's!

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Place - living room
People - Kat Colby Sam
Time - 6:48pm

*doorbell rings*

Y: I'll get it
C: I'll come with.

You both walk up to the door and it's door dash. You give the girl the money and then Colby tries a bite if your food. His eyes widen and he looks at you.

C: oh my god-
Y: it's good isn't it!
C: heavenly.

You both start laughing.

S: nice to see that they are getting along.
K: finally. Don't get used to it tho. Next thing you know-

Y: give it back!

Colby takes another bite then gives it to you

C: you said I could take a few bites. That was only a couple.

You stick your tongue out at him then you sit next to Kat on the couch.

Y: so Sam.
S: hm?
Y: could we go to Lizzie Borden's?
S: me and Kat and Colby already went.
C: cmon brother it would be so much fun! We could bring Amanda and Seth!
S: true. Amanda needs to meet y/n anyways. Alright I'll go give them a call in a bit
Y: thanks Sam! I know it's in Massachusetts but-
C: it's fine! Dw ab it

You look down and smile.

S: alr lemme go call them rn.

Sam stands up and heads to his room.

Y: I hope they say yes
C: same they really liked it last time
K: finally you guys have a normal conversation.
Y: yeah. Normal

You look over to Colby and he is smiling.

C: I'll go call Seth while sams calling Amanda

And with that Colby stands up and goes upstairs to get his phone

K: are you guys ok now?
Y: eh. Depends if he pulls shit.
K: okay.

She sighs.

K: it's a start. Oh also-
S: it's a yes from Amanda!
C: and from Seth!

They both walk down the stairs and start packing their stuff.

Y: what should I bring?
K: idk. A coat cause it will probably be cold
Y: how-
K: cause I bet the boys want to go at night, it also might be snowing!
S: you know it!
Y: mk. I'll go pack!

After packing -

Y: woah when did you get here?
Seth: like 2 seconds ago.
Y: mk- who's driving? Like what's the seating arrangements
S: im driving and WHI wants to sit in front?
Seth: I call Dibs!
C: cmon now brother
Seth: sorry brother. Your stuck in the back
C: at least I'll be with y/n

You smile that Colby said that but you keep it to yourself.

Seth: woah were you smiling?
Y: smiling at the fact I don't have to be stuck in the backseat with you? No offense but yes.
Seth: ouch-
S: that shit hit the fan on that one

Sam claps while Colby laughs then you wait until it's dark out.

When it's dark -

S: ok guys let's go!

Seth and Colby race to get to the front but Seth wins because he got a head start.

At Lizzie bordens -

C: yo Seth
Seth: sup
C: don't kill us
Seth: haha so funny.
Y: what?
S: Seth tell her your last name
Seth: Borden.
Y: your not related to her tho right-
C: he sure is
Y: I'm with Colby on you not killing us.
Seth: I'll try not too
S: what-

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