Chapter 56. First full day

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Time - 7:34am
Place - hotel room
People - Sam Colby Nate and you

You all wake up and realize what day it is.

S: are you guys ready?

Sam says while rubbing his eyes and putting his head back down.

C: yeah, this is gunna be so cool

Colby says. You turn your head to look at Colby.

Y: I love your morning voice
C: why thank you.

He kisses you and you smile. He wraps his arms around you and hugs you.

S: wait nvm that's tmrw sorry
C: ugh
Y: ok cause I feel like shit rn
C: yo Nate?
N: ...
Y: is he still sleeping?
S: yeah, should we just keep sleeping? It's early
C: yeah, I need more sleep
Y: same here.
S: cya

You laugh and you look at Colby. You can tell he doesn't need sleep, and you give him a kiss.

Y: your growing a little mustache thing
C: I know I have to shave soon, I'll look like 2020 me
Y: no it's fine. Literally.

You both smile and he gives you a kiss then he pulls you on top of him still holding the kiss. You feel his hands on your waist and you tilt your head to the side. He bites your lower lip and you think of something.

Y: babe
C: hm?
Y: should we go for a drive? Like check out the island?
C: once everyone's awake right
Y: yeah obviously, but do you? We didn't really yesterday
C: yeah I know

He says in the middle of a yawn. You smile and give him another quick kiss and you get up.

C: go put some clothes on.

You both laugh because he said it in a funny voice. Your in a cropped tank top, no bra, and your underwear. You roll your eyes as a joke and you bend over to get your shirt on the floor and catch Colby looking, so you put your arms up and do a twirl.

C: don't do that

He says smiling. You laugh and go over to him and he sits up. You crawl onto him and he moves your hair behind your shoulders so he can kiss your neck and then you stop him.

Y: no
C: what do you mean no
Y: I mean no

You smile and he groans.

Y: was yesterday not enough?
C: yesterday was amazing

He smile and lays back closing his eyes. You get your phone and take a picture of you both, then you take a pic of Sam sleeping and then you send it to send.



(Pretend he's in a bed)

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(Pretend he's in a bed)

K: awww I miss him sm.
Y: haha I bet.
K: stas is killing me, I'll ttyl!
Y: tell her I say hi! And ttyl bye kat!
K: byee💋

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