I Have A Secret (Little Chan)

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Little: Chan

Caregiver: Seungmin

(Plot: Chan has a secret, and he trusts Seungmin to know it.)

Seungmin POV

I was about at my wits end with this entire household, but this has been a recurring state of mind for the past few months.

You might be wondering how I got to this point. Well let me tell you the story. This, is the time I became the caregiver of Little Chan.

Three Months Ago...

I woke up to a series of loud noises outside of my door.

"Don't take too long I have to shower too!"

"I won't!"

"Hurry up you two! And move over Hyunjin, I have to wake up Seungmin."

I sat up in my bed as my door opened and the brown hair of Han Jisung poked into my room.

"Oh good you're up. We have an interview in like two hours and no one is ready so...yeah."


"Yeah, Chan forgot about it until his phone sent him a reminder."

"Well I'll get ready then."

"Okay, meet us downstairs when you're done."

The door closed and I climbed out of bed to find some clothes. It's unusual for Chan to forget such an important thing. Then again, he's been really stressed lately, so I don't blame him.

I picked out a casual outfit and went out my door to see if a shower was available.

To my shock, the house was in utter chaos.

"Why aren't you dressed Jeongin?", Minho asked.

"I just woke up! And Felix is in the shower down the hall."

Hyunjin was waiting outside of the second bathrooms door. I guess Chan was in that one since I didn't see him.

Han was coming out of his room and running down the hallway with his hoodie halfway on.

Jeongin didn't have a shirt on and looked very confused. Minho was the only one seemingly ready to go and was trying his best to get everyone ready.

"Oh hey Seungmin. The queue for the showers is getting long so...might want to get in line.", Changbin said, now standing behind Hyunjin.

"We might have to double up in these showers if we want to make it there on time. Has anyone had breakfast?", Minho asked.

Everyone shook their heads no.

Chan came out of the bathroom with wet hair and only a towel.

"So so sorry guys, I know we have to rush. I'll make sure to remember next time.", he said.

"Don't worry. We'll make it on time. Now please put some clothes on.", Minho said.

Chan walked past me and down the hall to his room.

I decided to follow him and take this opportunity to talk.

"Chan hyung?", I said, opening his door.

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