Our Little Wolf (Kid Chan)

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Little/Kid: Chan
Caregivers: Stray Kids
Idea by: penguinPruzinsky

"Oh I'm scared Minho. What do I do?", Changbin asked.

"Be calm Changbin. It's just a dentist appointment."

"But you know how scared Chan gets. How am I supposed to comfort him?"

"Changbin. We have been raising Chan since birth, you mean to tell me you still don't know what makes him feel comfort?"

"He's not my kid! How am I supposed to know?"

Minho sighed heavily.

Today was little Chan's dentist appointment.

It was always a nerve wracking time in the Stray Kids house, especially for the boy's father.

"Minho come with me.", Changbin asked.

"Changbin, I have to go to dance practice."

"Well can I take Felix?"



The pitter patter of little footsteps were heard, and a toddler boy came bounding down the steps, wearing a paw patrol set with matching shoes.

"I'm ready daddy!", Chan said, walking to Minho.

"Did you get dressed all by yourself today?", Minho asked.

"Of course daddy! I'm a big boy now!"

Minho smiled, picking up his son.

Just over a month prior, Chan and his idol family celebrated the boys fourth birthday.

Now, it was time for an annual dentist checkup.

"Daddy, look at my tooth!", Chan said.

Minho looked where Chan was pointing. The small boy moved his finger around, showing he had a loose tooth.

"Looks like we're going to have to get that pulled.", Minho said.

"But I like my tooth!"

"Chan you can't keep it. Eventually it will fall out anyway."


"Because you're growing up. You're already four."

"But...does that mean dentist lady have to take my teeth?!"

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