Pocket Of The Mafia 8 (Ending)

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Requested by: bellashinta99 and Shaterr1se
(1888 words. Perfect for part 8.)

"Chan, with all due respect...what the hell are you wearing?"

"You said incognito. What's more incognito than a ninja?"

"You're wearing a Spirit Halloween ninja costume."

"I'm getting into character."

About an hour ago, Minho and Chan received confirmation from Jisung on the whereabouts of the man they believed was responsible for contaminating the water that made Hyunjin and Felix sick.

But before they were going to leave, Minho stopped by the medic house to see his little family.

Felix was sitting on the floor in his room, counting his fingers.

One of the medics was reading a book on the couch.

"Hey baby Lixie, how do you feel today?", Minho asked.

"Am sleepy. I wan take nap wiv mama."

"Aww, I wish you could baby. But...mama is still really sick."

Felix pouted, looking down at the floor and crossing his arms.

Minho wanted so badly to hug him, but they were separated by a door he couldn't open until they weren't sick anymore.

"I love you Lixie."

Felix looked up at him.

"I love chu too papa."

Minho smiled, stepping to the other room and looking through the glass.

It had been over 24 hours that they had been in these rooms, and Hyunjin had yet to wake up.

Minho just wished he could give him a hug, and tell him how much me loved him.

Instead, he reached around and unhooked the necklace on his own neck, putting it on the doorhandle.

"I will get justice for you baby. For both of you."

Minho looked at Chan.

"Ready?", he asked.

"Oh I was born ready. Let's just hope we don't get arrested because my search history on technology based murder strategies is very incriminating."

"I like you more and more every day."

"Awww, you like me!"

Chan hugged Minho, squeezing him tightly.

"Alright alright. Now let's go. I want to get back before Nina realizes we're stealing her car."

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