The Worst Mistake 3

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Waited for by: Taehyungie_Tae_Tae and raccoonsayskys

Little Minho was out in the backyard with his kitties.

His parents were coming back next week, and would take them home after.

Seungmin was watching him while drinking a sprite with a lemon wheel, and wearing a sunhat.

Jisung came outside.

"Hey Seungmin hyung. It's almost time for us to go."

"Where are you guys going again?", Seungmin asked.

"I'm taking Minho to the store so we can pick out some subunit outfits."

"Cute. Well there he is."

Jisung waved for Minho, gaining the babies attention.

Minho ran to him, jumping on him and making him fall.

"Hi Sungie."


They stood up together, waving goodbye to Seungmin, who was watching the kitties fight each other.

Inside of the house, Chan was doing workout tapes in the living room.

"Oh, hey guys. Where ya going?", he asked.

"Taking Minho to look for subunits outfits."

"Mind if I join?"

Jisung shyly laughed.

"No, I...uh...I don't mind."

"Good. Just let me get changed and we can go."

Chan went upstairs to go get changed. Jisung watched him.



"You like Channie?"

Jisung almost choked on his existence when Minho said that.

"No. Why would you think that?"

Minho smiled.

This was going to be a good day to witness.


The three boys were walking through the store, Minho looking for cat treats and not at all looking for clothes. Little did he know, clothing stores didn't sell cat treats.

"Chan hyung look, these black pants are cute.", Jisung said.

"You're cute."

Oh, How Cute! (SKZ Littlespace Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now