I'm Just A Baby! (Little Seungmin)

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Requested by: uminnieseung
Little: Seungmin <not yet discovered>
Caregivers: None
Seungmin POV

For the past few days, I have been unreasonably stressed.

We have a comeback soon and there is so much to do. I have vocal practice, dance practice, Interviews, recording, shows, outfit checks and more.

Normally I would be able to deal with all of this. But I have a big problem.

I'm a little.

And none of my members know.

With comeback season upon us, we have been around each other 24/7, so I have no time to slip to relieve my stress.

"Seungmin come on! We'll be late for practice!", Jisung yelled.

Great. Practice.

Just after doing mandatory vocal practice.

It seems like I can't catch a break.

I slipped on a blue hoodie and left the room.

The members were running about trying to get outside to the car. All I could think about was what we had to do afterwards, and how little sleep I would get that night.

How little me was begging to come out.

But I couldn't...not with the members not knowing.

"Come on Seungmin, we have to go.", Chan said.

Everyone went outside and into our cars.

I leaned my head on the window the entire way there.

It has been so difficult to repress my little side. Online I was told not to hold it back, because it wasn't good for me.

But what can I do when we're so busy, and the members don't know?

After a short drive we arrived at the practice studio.

Today's practice solely depended on whether or not we could all get the choreo down before a certain time.

The members started stretching all around the room as Chan went though his phone to find our practice Playlist.

I did a little stretching, trying to distract myself from thoughts of slipping.

"Seungmin, earth to Kim. Are you still on earth my guy?", Jisung said.

I didn't realize I had been staring into space for a while.

"What's up dude? You seem off today. You're not sick are you. Because if you are I'm snitching."

"No, I'm not sick. Just...feeling weird."

"Suspicious. Highly suspicious.", Jisung said, turning back around.

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