Boys Of The Camp (Little Jeongin)

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Little: Jeongin
Caregivers: HyunChan
Requested by: Author

Summer Camp.

Never in his life had Hwang Hyunjin thought he would be attending a summer camp, let alone with Stray Kids.

But as they arrived at the campsite, everything began to set in for him.

"Oh this is beautiful! Are those strawberry bushes?", Changbin asked.

"The sun is so bright today! Perfect weather for camp. I love it!", Felix yelled.

"Okay, be careful boys, please find your cabins and then meet me by the lake.", Chan said.

"Papa, I go with mama?", Jeongin asked, hugging Chan.

"Sure baby. Be careful. I love you."

"I love you too!"

Hyunjin took Jeongin's hand, and they walked off to find their cabins.

Jisung got out of the van.

"Chan hyung, am I allowed to keep my squirrel?", he asked.

The squirrel crawled up his back, sitting on his shoulder.

"Sure Jisung. And don't do anything bad while we're here."

"I would never! Unless..."


"But hyung I want to use my magic! It's not fun if I can't."

Chan walked closer to Jisung.

"No. Now go find your cabin. If you want to use your magic, use it for good and not pranks like you always do."

"Hmph. Okay."

Jisung quickly made himself invisible, so now it looked like a floating suitcase going to the cabins.

Seungmin was taking out his archery bow.

"Can I go practice when I'm done unpacking?"

"Sure. But take someone with you."

"Okay hyung. I hope you know, I'll be asking you questions all day. I know nothing about this place."

Chan laughed as the last member walked off.

He then took his own bags, going to find his cabin.

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