Maple, Brown Sugar (Little Felix)

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Little: Felix
Caregiver: Hyunjin
Requested by: jinniessimp

It was a late night, a bit past 12am.

The snow littered the ground this December night, and still fell from the sky.

Little Felix was putting on his jacket and boots, preparing to leave with Hyunjin.

Tonight, they were meeting Chan and Jeongin at the Midnight Cafe that opened just a week prior.

"Make sure you put on your scarf, little bun.", Hyunjin said, putting his hat on.

"I got it daddy!"

Felix put on his hat.

"Ready to go?"

The little nodded, holding Hyunjin's hand.

They decided to walk there since it wasn't far.

Together they left the house, making sure they had their keys and phones and whatever else they needed.

"Daddy, can I get donut when we get there?"

"Yes. I'll get one too to match you."

"Yayyy! I love donut! And I tell Channie and Innie to get one too!"

"Sounds good to me."

Felix smiled happily, skipping along, still holding Hyunjin's hand.

It was nice to spend time like this. Just walking together on a peaceful night.

The two have come to learn how much it means to spend time with one another.

In around ten minutes, they made it to the Cafe.

The lights inside and the inviting smell of sugar, coffee, and caramel was enough for Felix to get twice as excited.

They saw Chan and Jeongin sitting together in a booth, and walked over to them.

"Oh guys hi! I missed you so much!", Jeongin said.

They hugged him, and Chan as well.

"How are you?", Chan asked, "It's been a while since we talked."

"We're doing good. Living together has been fun.", Hyunjin said.

"Daddy bought me all da toys! And all da onesie! We have so much fun!", Felix yelled.

"I'm so happy to hear that. Let's order some things shall we? Before we talk more.", Chan said.

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