Father of Seven (Little SKZ)

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Littles: Everyone Except Chan
Caregiver: Chan
Requested by: hoiii_idk

"I can't do this. I need help. In the form of alcohol preferably."

"Chris you can handle this."

"I can't. Seonghwa help me. Please...all of them are little right now. I'm losing my mind!"

"Just do what I do when all my babies are little."

"What do you do?"

"Field day."

"Field day?"

"Backyard. Pool. Pool toys. Entertainment for hours."

"You're a genius."

"I know."

Chan thanked Seonghwa before hanging up.

The littles were running about, causing their usual chaos.

"Daddy help! He's trying to eat me!", Jisung yelled.

"Get back here squirrel!", Minho yelled.

"Leave my brother alone!", Felix said, running after them.

"Daddy he bit me!", Changbin said.

"He taste like vanilla!", Seungmin said.

Hyunjin and Jeongin were playing with sensory toys on the living room carpet.

"It so squishy.", Hyunjin said quietly.

"You wan this one Hyunnie?", Jeongin asked.

"Oh thank you!"

Chan sighed.

"At least those two are calm. Boys! Look over here!"

Everyone stopped, turning to Chan.

"Who wants to get in the pool?"

All the littles cheered.

"Well then, go get your swim clothes on while I fill up the pool!"

The littles all crowded and ran up the steps, with Minho knocking Felix down by accident.

To Chan's surprise, the older little came back down and helped him.

"You okay Lixie?", Minho asked.

"I okay Minho."

"Here, I help you up!"

Minho helped Felix up, holding his hand as they went up the stairs.

Chan went out into the backyard, where the pool sat, empty.

He had cleaned it a few days prior so it was ready to be filled with water.

Oh, How Cute! (SKZ Littlespace Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now