🖤 Who Made The Baby Cry? (Little Jeongin)

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Little: Innie
Caregivers: SKZ
Requested by: Author, Hi

When Minho entered the kitchen at 4:11 in the morning on a conquest for water, he didn't expect to lay eyes on Chan and Jeongin.

Chan was consoling the maknae, who for some reason was very, very upset.

"What happened?", Minho asked.

Chan kept carefully patting Jeongin's back, who cried into his own arms on the kitchen island.

"I don't know. I came down here earlier for a drink and I saw him."

Minho sat across from them.

Jeongin sat up, wiping his face with his shirt.

"Hyung...I tired.", he said, "I go bed?"

Chan smiled lightly.

"Sure baby. But in the morning, we have to talk about this."

Jeongin nodded.

Chan stood up from his seat, followed by the little.

Minho watched them leave while saying goodnight.

Now he had something on his mind.

Who or what made their baby cry?

He got his water from the fridge while thinking.

"Let's hope it's not a person. Chan will not take too kindly to someone upsetting the baby."


The morning began how you would expect.

Felix was minding his business in the living room, watching Sid The Science Kid, when Chan came downstairs.


"Felix, I'll be back. I'm about to burn down someone's house."

"Whoa there arsonist. Who and why?"

"So last night I woke up and came to get water. I enter the kitchen and poor baby Innie is sitting at the kitchen island, crying his eyes out. Very upset. And he wouldn't tell me why. Until this morning."

"Uh oh."

"Uh oh is correct."

"So...I'm guessing you now know why he was crying?"

"And still is crying! He woke up crying. Minho has him right now. But yeah...I know why."

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