When The Lights Went Out (Little Jisung)

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Little: Jisung
Caregiver: Chan
Requested by: Your Author who says hi.

The trainee dorms weren't usually this quiet.

For the JYP trainees, they were sectioned off in a building that neighbored the company itself.

18-year-old Christopher Bang was at his desk writing while his roommate slept. The year was 2016, and the young hopeful musician wanted nothing more than to eventually debut.

As he was working on his computer, typing away the words that came to his mind, thunder sounded across the sky.

Without warning, his computer shut off, along with every light in the room.

"Oh come on! Not again! Who maintains the power in this place, they need to get fired."

He got up from his desk, a bit frustrated.

He decided to take a walk around so he could clear his mind and maybe possibly find the person who keeps turning the lights off at the smallest sign of thunder.

He walked into the halls of the trainee dorms, looking around.

"Why is it so cold in here? Someone turning off the heater too? They need to get punched."

Christopher went downstairs, seeing no one there at first. He looked around the lounge area, sighing.

Then, after a second look, he noticed someone on the couch.

"Hey, are you the one turning the lights off?", he asked.


"Oh. Well, did you see who it was?"

"I didn't."

Chris noticed the boy sounded upset.

He walked over and sat next to him.

"Um...hi. My name is Christopher Bang. But, people call me Chan. What's yours?"

The boy turned to him.

"Jisung. Han."

"I like that name."

The boy smiled.

"Why are you down here all alone looking so sad Jisung?"

Chris heard sniffles.

He turned on his phones flashlight, placing it on the table.

He could see the young boys face, tears falling down and trying to hide it.

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