Bread and Cheese (Little Jeongin)

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Little: Jeongin
Caregiver: Hyunjin
Requested by: MoyouFox01

"Hyunjin your son is staring at me funny.", Seungmin said.

"He's literally a baby."

"He's looking at me with those...those eyes."

Today, in the Stray Kids home, Seungmin, Hyunjin, Chan, and Baby Jeongin were the only ones there.

"Ba~ ba~", the little said.

Hyunjin came into the living room.

"Is Seungmin bothering you baby Innie?", he asked.

"Pa! Pa!", the little yelled, smiling.

Hyunjin sat down next to the little, who was laying on his back on the couch.

It was early afternoon, and time for lunch for the members at home.

"What would you like to eat baby Innie?"

The little tilted his head.

"Bi! Bi! Bibi!"

"Bibi? What's Bibi?", Seungmin asked.

"I think he's trying to say baby. Which translates to baby bread which we call him. He wants bread."

"How do you know that-"

"I'm fluent in Jeongin. Now help me find something to make with bread for the baby."

Chan was coming downstairs, dressed in only a pair of shorts, and with wet hair.

"I heard bread. What's happening?", he asked.

Jeongin looked back from his spot on the couch.

"Nini! Nini! Nini!", he yelled.

Chan immediately went to him.

"Well hello baby bread. Are you the source of this conversation I hear?"

Baby Jeongin laughed, making grabby hands to Chan.

Of course, the leader picked him up, sitting him in his lap.

"Hey Chris, on a scale of one to ten, how likely am I to get food poisoning if I eat this bread?", Seungmin asked, holding up a package of bread that had spots of mold on it.

Chan just stared at him.

"That means ten. Okay. We need to go buy bread."

"I want to make a fondue. And we have a pot and little stove for it.", Hyunjin said.

"How does that sound baby bread?", Chan asked.

Jeongin turned his head to him.

"Yay! Bibi! Bibi!"

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