Can't You See Me? (Little Jeongin)

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Little: Jeongin
Caregiver: Chan
Requested by: ByFelix143
I Apologize For Taking So Long to Write This

The Stray Kids members were all sitting in their living room.

"Move over Jeongin. You're cluttering my space.", Seungmin said.


"Jeongin can you get me a soda?", Minho asked.


Jeongin got up to go get a soda for Minho, tripping over Jisung, who was on the floor.

"My gosh! Watch out!", Jisung yelled.

Jeongin apologized, getting up and going to the kitchen to get the soda.

Changbin was in there, and didn't even acknowledge Jeongin's presence.

The maknae got the soda from the fridge, going back to Minho and handing it to him.

Minho just grabbed the soda, not even saying thank you.

Jeongin sat back down on the couch.

Felix didn't say anything to him. He just looked at Jeongin and back at his phone.

"Anyone want to play a game with me?", he asked.

No one responded.

"Maybe we could watch a movie?"

Again, no one responded.

"That's fine. I'll just be here if you need me."

"Shut up. You're too loud.", Seungmin said.

Jeongin pouted, looking at the floor.

He hated when it was like this.

Sometimes, the members would purposefully ignore him. He didn't know why?

Was he annoying to them?

Did he get on their nerves?

Surely he couldn't be. He was their baby, right? They love him.

But that's not how Jeongin felt.

Jeongin got up, stepping over Jisung and going around the couch to the stairwell. He quickly went up the steps and to his room, closing the door.

Chan was standing near the steps, and saw the maknae leave in a seemingly upset rush.

"I don't get it...", he said to himself, "I thought they liked me. Why are they acting like this?"

He sat down in front of his bed.

"I guess being up here is better. Right Finn?"

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