Smile, Please (Little Seungmin)

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Little: Seungmin
Caregivers: SKZ, mostly Chan
Requested by: penguinPruzinsky

"And he was the largest snake in the world."


"Yeah. They say he could eat an entire village in one gulp."

"Jisung stop scaring our kid.", Chan said.

Jisung was telling Seungmin the story of the Titanoboa. The little always loved Jisung's very exaggerated stories.

"Okay okay, he won't eat an entire village. But..."

Jisung squinted at Seungmin.

"...I hear he eats little puppies!"

"Ahhhhhhhh!", Seungmin yelled, jumping up and running away.

"Han!", Chan yelled.


Seungmin ran into the kitchen, where Jeongin was watching an Australian YouTube teach people how to make cheese.

"Do we even have that stuff?", Jeongin asked himself.

"Innie appa! Sungie say I get eaten by snake!"

Jeongin looked up from the phone.

"Well he's lying. Want to help me make cheese?"

"Okay. Long as snake don't come in kitchen."

Back in the living room, Chan was using the group laptop purchased by Minho, to look up some entertaining places around town.

However, when he clicked on the search bar, he saw something he didn't expect.

"Huh? What is this?"

"What's wrong Chris?", Felix asked, entering the room and sitting by him.

"Look at these recent searches."

Felix looked at the screen.

The recent searches read as follows:
"how to fix your smile"
"is my smile ugly"
"why do I smile like this"
"do braces make you look weird"

"Oh...this must be from Seungmin.", Felix said.

"But why would he search this? His smile is beautiful."

"He probably doesn't believe that. He gets a lot of crap from people about it."

"You really think that...Seungmin doesn't love his smile?"

"It's possible."

Chan sighed.

"Well, I'm going to help him to love his smile.", he said.

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