A Dog Called Potato (Little Jisung)

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Little: Jisung
Caregiver: Minho
Requested by: penguinPruzinsky

"Appa, we buy treat for Potato?"

"We can get another bag of treats baby."

"Yayy! Chu hear that Potato? Appa say we get more treat for chu."

Right now, the members were preparing for a trip to the grocery store.

Jisung had just finished putting the vest on his Service Dog, Potato, a very beautiful Australian Shepherd.

"Has everyone written what they need on the grocery list?", Chan yelled.

"Yes!", all the members yelled back.

"Potato not write anything!", Jisung yelled.

"But she did baby, look, a paw print right over Seungmin's request for sixteen Kiwi's and a tie-dye Mickey Mouse t-shirt.", Chan replied.

Everyone looked at Seungmin.

"It's for my ASMR channel. They like fruits."

"Then no wonder they like you so much.", Hyunjin whispered.

"Is this coming from Changbin's future husband or am I stupid?"

Changbin stood by Hyunjin.

"He's caught on to us babe."

"Now we have to kill him."

Chan decided to ignore them and led everyone outside so they could go to the store.

They split off into three vehicles.

Vehicle one was driven by Chan, and the passengers were Felix and Jeongin.

Vehicle two was driven by Minho, and the passengers were Jisung and Potato.

Vehicle three of course was driven by Seungmin and contained the engaged couple of Changbin and Hyunjin.

Minho only played the finest of music on the way to the store. This included the entire Jack In The Box album by J-Hope and repeating Connected by Chan three times.

The members arrived at the grocery store and split off with their sections of the grocery list.

Little Jisung followed behind Minho to the frozen food section.

"Appa, Potato want porkchops."

"Does she now?"

"She does! Right Potato?"

Potato just sniffed around Jisung.

People would walk by them and wave to the dog, also trying to pet it.

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