Pocket Of The Mafia 2

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Waited for by: PocketBear23 Wixies_wittle_ Yuqisoundddd________ and kor1988
(Warning: *use of profanity, mostly by Hyunjin*)

"How is Han?", Chan asked, sitting next to Minho.

"He's okay. Doctor said he should be able to make a recovery within a reasonable time."

The members took a collective sigh of relief.

"And where is Hyunjin?", Changbin asked.

"Outside, talking to his dad."

"Let me guess, about you guys rejoining?", Chan asked.

"We have to hyung. Yes I know we left that life behind but thus is necessary to save Felix and get revenge."

"I understand. Just...please be careful."

"We will try."

"So, run it by me again how you got affiliated with mafia?", Seungmin asked.

"Well, many years ago...I was quite the trouble making kid. I got into a fight one day and this younger boy came to help me. Turns out that boy was Hyunjin. He offered to give me protection from my adversaries, all I had to do was join them."

"Wow. Imagine being recruited into the Hwang Family Mafia. Can I join?", Changbin asked.


Hyunjin came back through the doors.

"Minho, I told my dad everything. He already has men on the case and wants us to meet him at the house."

"Good. We can go and meet them."

Minho stood up, fixing his clothes.

"Guys. We are going to get Felix back.", he said.

The members stood up as well. They each hugged Minho and Hyunjin.

Chan put a hand on both of their shoulders.

"I want all three of you home safely. Got it?"

"Yes hyung.", Hyunjin said.

"We'll keep you updated on Jisung."

"Thank you."

Minho held Hyunjin's hand.

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