A Park Not Far Away 4

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Requested by: XtinaHsing and PocketBear23 and Loreeen13

The group arrived at the location the woman mentioned over the phone.

"Hi, I'm Hwang Hyunjin. Here for the twins."

"Yes sir. Right this way."

The woman led the members through a set of revolving doors, into an area filled with children.

They went through another set of doors, which led to the baby room.

"Your twins are in the red crib."

"Thank you."

The members hesitated for a moment before walking over.

Inside of the crib laid two small, sleeping identical twin boys.

"Yeah they look just like Hyunjin.", Jisung said.

"We did it. Look at them. Now we have to raise them all over again."

"I could help with that."

They all turned around to see Seungmin's dad.

"I've been keeping tabs on you all to see what was up. When I discovered this place, I knew something had happened."

He walked over to the crib.

"Which one is my son?"

"Neither.", Chan said, "They're Hyunjin's. And ours."

"But Seungmin is my kid, and I'm taking him home."

"What, so you can abandon him again? So you can dip out of his life whenever it conveniences you?", Minho said.

"I have a chance to start over and make things right, and I want to take it."

"Well we're not letting you. These boys aren't leaving unless it's with their dad.", Changbin said.

Seungmin's dad walked to Hyunjin, whispering something in his ear so none of the other members could hear.

"You screwed up. You're getting in the way, and I don't like that."

He stood back up, patting Hyunjin on the shoulder.

"Alright then. We'll see how this goes."

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