Two Souls Tower (Caregiver Seungmin)

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Littles: Xdinary Heroes's Gaon
Caregiver: Stray Kids Seungmin
Requested by: Author who is in love with Xdinary Heroes

"Where are we dude?"

"No idea."

"Why am I even with you?"

"I told you we were going to McDonalds."

"And you freaking McLied about it too."

"We can go after this, Gaon."

Recently, Seungmin had made a discovery. One that he believed could change the course of humanity.

Somewhere in Seoul was a castle, a castle that (according to rumors) held a chest in a tower that contained millions of dollars in gold coins, and the crown jewels of the former royals.

Today, Seungmin has found that castle.

And he made Gaon come with him.

"Let's go in.", Seungmin said.

"I feel like this is a setup."

"It probably is. But think about this...millions of dollars."

"Seungmin we're both rich."


Seungmin dragged Gaon to the front door of the castle.

He knocked, waiting a few seconds.

"Seungmin if someone actually opens this door I'm taking off."

"It's fine."

"It's an abandoned castle in the middle of nowhere. If someone lives here, I don't want to get shot."

The door opened, sliding backwards to reveal an empty doorway.

Seungmin pulled Gaon inside.

No one was behind the door, and the castle still appeared to be empty.

The door slammed shut behind them, and Gaon hid behind Seungmin.

"That's it! We're locked in forever! We're gonna die!", Gaon screamed.

"Calm down man. Let's just explore a bit and then we can figure a way out."

"Hold my hand please. I'm terrified."

Seungmin held his hand as they walked through the empty castle.

"This place is gorgeous. Look at all of this. Just left behind."

"For a damn good reason I bet."

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