The Long Step Down <Pt.2>

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"Hyung I need your help."

"What's wrong Minho?"

"Jisung is in a bad mood because I forgot to get his ice cream."

"Well shit, good luck mate. He's gonna kill you."

"Hyung helppppppp! I need to live to see my baby!"

It has been a few months since the events at the concert. Five months to he exact.

Today, Jisung and Minho have am appointment where they will receive the gender of their baby, which they are preparing for now.


Minho nervously stared at Chan.

"Okay. You go help Jisung get ready. I will send someone out for ice cream."

"Thank you so much."

Minho ran upstairs, going past Seungmin, who was on the phone.

"Yeah I know. And I'm not sure Jisung wants that, but I'll ask....yes sir."

Seungmin hung up. Chan was looking at him.

"JYP, wants to give Jisung some of the baby toys his girls outgrew."

"Jisung would probably rather not."

Upstairs, Minho carefully entered the room he shared with Jisung, preparing to be met with anger.

"Babyyyy, can you get me my shoes?", Jisung asked with a smile.

Minho smiled back, going to get the crocs Jisung wore everytime he went anywhere in the past month.

"Where is Felix?", Jisung asked.

"Eating lunch with Changbin downstairs. They got takeout."

"Awww, I want some."

"Baby we have to wait until after the appointment."

Minho met eyes with Jisung, who pouted.

"Jisung don't..."

Minho saw his eyes start to water.

"But I'm hungry!", Jisung said, now crying.

Minho hugged him, patting his back.

"I know baby. But they said to wait. It'll only be a little while, then we can get all the food you and our little ones heart desires."

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